The Diamond Doorway
We welcome you on the doorstep into a new world. A world full of possibilities.The Diamond Doorway is the Gate into the new world of creation and manifestation.Divine Alchemy and Divine Power are together here. Magical manifestations.The Diamond Doorway includes several activations. One of them being the embodiment of the KA.The KA is the life force in spirit and can only be activated when your heart is completely open and filled with compassion for all life.
The second initiation is the integration of the Christ body and Ascension Flame. The Power of Creation.The energies of the Diamond Doorway are 13th dimensional and are coming in from the Pleiadian System.For thousands of years we have been working on bringing back the balance between male and female. Now we all know about the balance within ourself that needs to be completed before ascension.What is much less known is the balance between the man and the woman. For thousands of year women have been giving away the use of the female energy to man. And the man have used this energy to create. In many ways this has brought an unbalance to the planet earth and the souls living upon mother earth.
Now we are again at a turning point where we have the opportunity to create a new world.The delicate balance between man and woman need to be restored. By delicate balance we mean that neither the woman nor the man overpower each other, but together they create, this is the Power of Creation.Men need to learn acceptance of the women that use their power without feeling threatened, or without the need to overpower women. Women need to learn to regain and use their power without fear and without overpowering the men.This is the task that stands before us today.The 12 woman that were chosen a long time ago to return this balance on planet earth have incarnated at this time. And they are ready to bring in the balance to work with and to regain the Power of Creation.Why now and how does this work?The energy, and this means the complete balanced male and female energy, of the men is combined with the completely balanced energy of the women. This is where we receive the Power of Creation.Now this goes beyond the 5th dimension, but the 5th dimension is where we start to create this new world.We are all working toward ascension into the 5th dimension, but from there, a new world is being created. This is part of the ever evolving process of planet earth, the universe and the souls living in this universe.Ascension into the 5th dimension is only the beginning of your journey back to source.
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