On September 16, 2005 B.B King turned 80. He has beenplaying the blues since World War II and he is one of the greatestguitarists who have ever lived. This is the first part in a seriesthat is being made here at Jamorama about the players who haveinfluenced the way we play guitar.
BB was born on a plantation in Mississippi in 1925. His family waspoor and as a youth he played guitar for spare change to help hisfamily. Even at a young age he traveled from town to town refininga technique and style that would change the way people playedguitar and make B. B. King a house hold name.
The first time B.B. King appeared to a large audience was in 1948on a radio station in Memphis. This would become a regular setwhere King would play every week. This along with a gig at apopular restaurant and bar gave King some momentum and popularity.
BB King began to tour around the South then eventually nationally,allowing many people to hear his new style. On one of the manygigs King played over the years a fight erupted in the crowd. Thisfight led to a kerosene stove being knocked over and a wild fireraged. King along with patrons and staff ran from the building.However King had left his favorite guitar in the burning building.Ignoring the risk he ran back into the fire to retrieve his pridedposition. When the smoke died down King discovered that the menwhere fighting over a girl called Lucille. Since that day has namedever guitar he has owned 'Lucille' so he remembers never to getupset over a women.
Though BB King was popular until the late 60s his audience wasstill mainly black. This was until he was chosen to open for theRolling Stones on a world tour. Also many other famous whitemusicians were openly proclaiming King's brilliance. King'sintroduction to the mainstream audience caused his popularity andrecord sales to soar.
BB King's style and tone is easy to identify. His wild stringbending and vibrato are distinctive and his gravelly voice cutsthrough recordings and adds character to his music.In contrast to many skilled guitarists he has a remarkable economyand restraint with his playing. King only plays for the song anddoesn't get involved in over indulgent extended solos. Also becauseof the length of his career BB King has been through many musicaltrends and styles. This has meant that his style is a collection ofmany genres and in a sense King has created his own style.
BB King has been inducted into the Rock and Roll and the Blues Hallof Fame. He has received a Grammy and many honorary doctoratesincluding one from Yale. Even though he is 80 BB King still toursplaying his songs to the world. His legacy to music and guitarplaying cannot be overestimated and for that reason the music andthe man will never be forgotten.
On September 16, 2005 B.B King turned 80. He has beenplaying the blues since World War II and he is one of the greatestguitarists who have ever lived. This is the first part in a seriesthat is being made here at Jamorama about the players who haveinfluenced the way we play guitar.
BB was born on a plantation in Mississippi in 1925. His family waspoor and as a youth he played guitar for spare change to help hisfamily. Even at a young age he traveled from town to town refininga technique and style that would change the way people playedguitar and make B. B. King a house hold name.
The first time B.B. King appeared to a large audience was in 1948on a radio station in Memphis. This would become a regular setwhere King would play every week. This along with a gig at apopular restaurant and bar gave King some momentum and popularity.
BB King began to tour around the South then eventually nationally,allowing many people to hear his new style. On one of the manygigs King played over the years a fight erupted in the crowd. Thisfight led to a kerosene stove being knocked over and a wild fireraged. King along with patrons and staff ran from the building.However King had left his favorite guitar in the burning building.Ignoring the risk he ran back into the fire to retrieve his pridedposition. When the smoke died down King discovered that the menwhere fighting over a girl called Lucille. Since that day has namedever guitar he has owned 'Lucille' so he remembers never to getupset over a women.
Though BB King was popular until the late 60s his audience wasstill mainly black. This was until he was chosen to open for theRolling Stones on a world tour. Also many other famous whitemusicians were openly proclaiming King's brilliance. King'sintroduction to the mainstream audience caused his popularity andrecord sales to soar.
BB King's style and tone is easy to identify. His wild stringbending and vibrato are distinctive and his gravelly voice cutsthrough recordings and adds character to his music.In contrast to many skilled guitarists he has a remarkable economyand restraint with his playing. King only plays for the song anddoesn't get involved in over indulgent extended solos. Also becauseof the length of his career BB King has been through many musicaltrends and styles. This has meant that his style is a collection ofmany genres and in a sense King has created his own style.
BB King has been inducted into the Rock and Roll and the Blues Hallof Fame. He has received a Grammy and many honorary doctoratesincluding one from Yale. Even though he is 80 BB King still toursplaying his songs to the world. His legacy to music and guitarplaying cannot be overestimated and for that reason the music andthe man will never be forgotten.
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