Witness or React Power or Force?
The world presents us with an infinite variety of experiences and we can interpret these in any number of ways.... good or bad, blissful or painful, right or wrong...the dance between experience and judgment is endless. We try to avoid some experiences at all costs while we search for others. This process of "pulling towards" and "pushing away" from life can take a lot of energy and leave us with a fragmented experience of what the world really is. This is the realm of 'force' where we literally feel propelled by our reactions to events. We live from our illusions and we see the world for what it is not.
With balance comes wholeness and with wholeness comes power - the authentic power of our own state of being. From this perspective, life is experienced from the realm of 'power' where we are not pushed or pulled, not propelled by reaction but rather are witnesses to our creation and experience the choice to respond from a calm, centered state of awareness. When we live in the realm of power our energies are conserved and consciously directed. We live from our truth and we see the world for what it is.
Rather than approaching life through illusion, try experiencing whatever is in front of you without judgment or interpretation. See if you can catch your mind before it jumps to a conclusion about what is happening and just be the witness to the experience. Include whatever manifests in your world as appropriate for your own journey and ask, "Is this the experience I choose to have?" When you stand in your power the experience that you have in any moment is always one of choice!
Through the practice of meditation, we develop the capacity to expand our awareness beyond the mind and witness what is happening. When we drift off or identify with thoughts or feelings, we grab the reins of the mind and pull it back to the present moment. Likewise, this can be extended throughout our day as we make a conscious effort to stay in the "here and now" where our power is always to be found.
This week, see how often you can approach each moment freshly with awareness and an open heart. Witness the world as it is, without overlaying your story of what it should be.
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