Integrated Ascension and the Process and Path of Realizing God and Self,
This Brief Chapter beloved Friends will be a brief description on the process and path of Integrated Ascesnion and Realizing God and Self.We will go into more detail about the details in latter Blogs.This is just to give you the Big Picture and Bones of it all as it were!
There is a lot of talk about the coming phenomona of 2012 and what will be happening then and inthe lead up to that time.Understand that 2012 December 21st will be the completion of the 13 Galactic Underworlds and the End of "Time as it was" and the "New Time""Free Time" of the 7th Golden Age of Peace and the Age of Aquarius.For more specifically on 2012 and the Esoteric Marking of things please see, we are starting to see and Realize Collectivelly now that on this Auspicious Date Humanity will be collectively completed all 3rd and 4th Dimensional Consciousness and be fully Anchored in 5th Dimensional Consciousness.Gernally it takes 26,000 years to complete on full astrological cycle which consists of "12 Ages" each lasting for 2,600 years respectively.
Each Age has a special disspensation that is embodied and demonstrated Most perfectly by A Particular Master.FOr Example Master Jeshua or "Jesus" as he has been come to be known most perfectly demonstrated the Picean Ideal of Love above all Laws Codes and Systems.Love is the Highest Ideal of the Picean Archetype and Jeshua demonstrated this in that lifetime.
So understading that the Ascension proccess is a Universal Proccess that is happening through out Gods Infinite Omniverse in every dimension to every being constantly we can accept that this process is happening for us and Mother Earth at this time.Knowing this we can begin to understand and learn the Laws that Govern this process and start applying and living by this Law that we may be in Harmony with the All that is and flow with the Universal Water as it were. understanding that we are now taking to a Collective and Individual Process of Ascesnsion we can start to align ourselves with the Ideals and Principals that lead to the Culmination and realization of that Process.Integral to this is what the Eastern Mystery Schools have refered to as Self and God Realization.This is the process of Realizing our Self as the Self of all and the Self same Being that exists in all things at all times.This is the first step towards God Realization.This has esoterically been called the Soul Merge and happens at the 3rd Initation in the Western Esoteric System.There are many great Teachers and Guides on the Outer Plane who can swiftly take you to this Experience Realization and Stabalization.Firstly just request this inwardly to yourself and your presence.You will be amazed at what you begin to attract and how quickly you are drawn to that which you seek!"Knock and the Door will be open unto you!" in Realizing our Self as the Eternal Self we can begin to also recognize that we are also Gods Incarnate as is everything and everyone else!There is but one being in this Universe and that is God!God incarnated as Us!Once we realize and experience this we can start Demonstrating this Experience by acting like Gods and Treating all others as Gods!This is the tough part my friends,however i guarantee you that it is the most powerfull Spiritual Practice you will ever be able to do!If you forget all things and so this one thing you will make good progress!There are many other practices and paths towards Realizing Integrating and Demonstrating God and Self Realization but i humbly suggest that the practice of seeing and treating every plant mineral Animal and being you meet as an Incarnation of God will bring you mostly swiftly to this ideal!So to Realize God and Self simply treat everyone and everything as they are!Gods!
Also in this brief Post we will be giving you a brief introduction to Integrated Ascension as apose to Fragmented Ascension,which many Light Workers and Incarnated Masters have fallen prey to.Achieving our Ascesnion is in truth the Easy part,it is easy to call in Light,to Raise our Frequency Meditate do Yoga Eat Raw foods and all means of other techniques to achieve our Ascension but this can cause a fragmentation if we are not Integrated in our Understanding and demonstration in the World.So what if we have achieved our Ascension if we are run by our desire Body and totally victimized by our Inner Child and other people?So what if we have achieved our Ascension if we are totally commpetitive and run by the Negative Ego thought system?We can see than how important it is to begin taking to "Integrated Ascension" and start really Mastering all our Energies in Service of God and our Brothers and Sisters. in conclusion we can see that there is a 3 Fold Process to Realizing God and Self and taking to the Path of Integrated Ascension.First Activation which involves the Activation of the Desire for these things,then comes the Realization in which we start to directly Experience our self as the One Self not different from all things but self same and at one with all things.Next comes the Demonstration of these Realizations by Acting and as and being in alignment with these Universal Principals in all our Interactions with all beings.This process as you can see is really simple and easy to do once you know the basics but can seem incredibly complex if there is to much information and you can not "See the Forest through the Tress" as it were.So over the next few days we will continue to assist you in understading and simplifying this process for you so you can begin to really practice the Holy Encounter in every interaction with all things.It is our Prayer and Request that you today start truely practicing Purity in all your Interactions and really start to be about the Father/Mothers Business which is love,in an Integrated way!