Convergence Upon the Sphere of Completion a Lone Mage stands Inclined to act yet,bound by his vision of the future and the Ideal Manifestation of that through dilligent daily effort and craft.The Parting of the Ways appears,2 Paths Twisting Left and Right and now the young Mage must choose!He knows that both paths lead to the same end but he has trodden before the Path of Hard Knocks and wishes well to avoid that path,he seeks he High Path direct over the Earth,through the Kingdoms with himself alone and those he meets along the way.He must then sacrifice all that he had imagined to be real and walk ever on the pathless path,leaving no trace he must walk into Grace!Leaving behind all those things that are of the past Dead and Ultimately Illusionary he must walk into the Golden Day that awaits him!Though in life there are always distractions and they must be rent asunder and remved totally.One must continue with all efforts on all lines in all states and all stages as the witness of all passing phenomona totally detached yet involved all the while from a completely surrendered state of Grace one should Meditate on joy in ones Heart and the Love in all things.Return then to the perfect vision that is Gods Infinite Eyes and let yourself be stopped not by any force or factor in attaining and Realizing your Goals and aspirations.Leave comfort and know that suffering is progress on the Path of SPirituality. Welcome adversity and let all challenges be your strength,like a Rock stand firm in your Resolve to Realize God and Self and to leave the mundane for the Super Mundane.This must be done in this life time of all life times and you must reach the great goal of all life for now converging on tour SPirits path are many great ones waiting and wanting to assist and guide you in the path of the Ancients in a World that is Modern!
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