Monday, July 27, 2009

Moon Phases!

Unless you live on another planet, you have probably noticed thatthe Moon looks different every night. As the moon orbits (movesaround) the Earth, the sun's light reflects off of the moon'ssurface. As the moon grows and wanes she seems to magically appearand then disappear again, beginning from invisibility to the barestsliver of a crescent to a Zen like half dark half-lightconfiguration to the full round silver disk of a full moon. Thisentire cycle takes about twenty-eight days and has four phasesknown as the Four Quarters of the Moon. However these quarters alsohave sub phases such as the Balsamic and Gibbous moon that last aday or two. The First Quarter of the moon is a phase that begins when the moonand sun are conjunct with one another in the heavens. The moon isinvisible at this point and referred to as a New Moon.This phase symbolizes beginnings and especially the very beginningof the planting cycle, when the seed of a plant first starts togerminate deep beneath the ground. This phase also corresponds tothe Winter Solstice in the cycle of the seasons.During this phase, it is important to be careful of your thoughtsbecause whatever you think is likely to manifest. It is a time whena great idea can come to you and either die from doubt or be givenbirth.During this phase people also tend to be more withdrawn andsubjective in their opinion. Taking care of your immediate needs oremotions may seem more important than thinking about the future.You may also find yourself questioning yourself and others moreoften as this phase of the moon is often about analyzing and"getting to the bottom of things" before a relationship or projectis started.After the moon is "born" it takes about five and a half to sixhours before she is seen in sky. Towards the end of this firstquarter phase, the moon grows in size until a delicate thin silvercrescent appears.The Crescent Moon occurs during the last couple of days of theFirst Quarter, which was initiated by the birth of the New Moon.This is a great time to put an idea into action. In this phase, theMoon is waxing and halfway between New and First Quarter Moon. AAgriculturally, this phase represents the young plant's firstencounters with its environment and has yet to take hold. Any newthing in your life at this time might still be tentative but thereis a great hope that the venture will succeed in the future as longas you are vigilante. This phase also symbolizes bravery, new ideasand impulses. You are also most likely to win over opposition whenthe moon is in crescent form as the sickle shape of it symbolizesthe sword of redemption or the sword of justice.The crescent phase of the moon corresponds to the seasonal holidayof Christmas, around February 1st, midway between the WinterSolstice and the Spring Equinox.When the moon is in its First Quarter it is squaring the Sun. It ishalf dark and half light. This represents the time of flourishingand growth. In the planting cycle it represents a time when theorganism shoots out its roots, leaves and branches. In the cycle ofthe seasons, this phase corresponds to the Vernal Equinox.The First Quarter of the moon is the best time to build newstructures or put ideas into reality. You can realistically achievegreat goals while the moon is in the phase. It may take less effortfor you to accomplish whatever you have in mind once the moon is inits half phase.The Second Quarter of the moon begins when the moon has move 90degrees away from the Sun. At this point, the waxing moon rises atabut noon and sets about midnight and she can be seen even duringthe day. This period of the moon's growth corresponds to the development andgrowth of life. In this phase, also known as the Gibbous moon. Thisrepresents the moment in the planting cycle when the bud begins toform, carrying within it the promise of a blossom. It representsfecundity, accomplishment and fertility.In the seasonal cycle this phase is symbolically linked with thecross-quarter holiday of Beltane, which was celebrated around May1st (or May Day), half way between the Vernal Equinox and theSummer Solstice.During the Gibbous moon it is very easy to accomplish goals,especially those started during the previous first quarter. Manypeople have the most energy and clarity during this moon phase whenthe moon slowly becomes a fully rounded silver disk.The Third Quarter of the moon starts when the growing moon and thesun oppose each other in the sky. During this time she can b seenrising in the east at sunset and can be viewed in her full glorylater and later each night.This time of the approaching full moon corresponds to theculmination of plans and maturity. This phase symbolically relatesto the Summer Solstice, the time of maximum light in the cycle ofthe seasons.During this phase, it is likely that you will reap some kind ofrewards or harvest. You may also be more aware of others and growcloser to them. Projects may reach their final culmination. The Full Moon, like the New Moonies considered being a very magicaltime during which the Gods are more likely to honor your prayers.Once the full moon has expired it begins to wane (grow smaller). Inthis phase, the Moon is waning and halfway between the Full andFourth Quarter Moon. In the planting cycle this corresponds to thefirst appearance of the plant's fruit. In the seasonal cycle, thereis a symbolic correspondence to the cross-quarter holiday calledLamas, celebrated about August 1st, mid-way between the SummerSolstice and the Fall Equinox.During the first 48 hours after the moon first starts to loss lightit is also known as the Crone moon, the Old moon or theDisseminating Moon. During this phase you are to share what youknow with others. Depending on how your endeavor went you might belearning from a lesson or contemplating an achievement with greatsatisfaction. In terms of agriculture, this phase represents theculmination of the entire planting cycle.The Fourth Quarter of the moon occurs once the moon has moved 90degrees past the full phase. She is dimmer and rises at midnight.The moon can now be seen now in the eastern sky during late eveninghours. The moon in this phase doesn't reach the highest point inthe sky until very early in the morning.This is considered to be a fallow time or a time of drawing back ordisintegrate. It is the time for tying up loose ends, to reorganizeand plan for the next new main phase, which will be a new firstquarter that begins with a New Moon.While in its Fourth Quarter, the Moon is waning and square the Sun.In the planting cycle, your phase represents the beginning of theend of the cycle, when the plant is harvested and the partsremaining start to wither and die back into the ground. In theseasonal rotation this phase corresponds to the Fall Equinox.During this phase, you may tear down old structures to make way forthe new. A subphase of the fourth quarter of the moon is known asthe Balsamic moon which is during the 48 hours leading up to theNew Moon. In the agricultural cycle, this is the time of thematuration of the seed, while the rest of the plant dies away. Some astrologers also say this is the optimum time for conception.Psychologically, the Balsamic moon and the Fourth Quarter phase ofthe moon in general is a time of cleansing and a better time todiscard things rather than acquire them. It is more a time ofcontemplation and vision rather than a time of action. Symbolically it represents the deepest part of the subconsciousmind and the treasures that are held there.In the seasonal progression this phase corresponds to Halloween,midway between the Fall Equinox and the Winter Solstice, when theveil between worlds is considered to be thinner. In the next newsletter we will take a look at the different typesof moons that occur over the course of a year such as the ColdMoon, the Storm Moon and the Harvest Moon.

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