1st.Ray of God Power and Will.Life lesson:--” Summon Inner Power To Create Constructive Change. “ The energy of the 1st.Ray :---gives you the power which motivates you and drives your efforts to their completion; --gives you the determination necessary to fulfil a purpose and pursue a dream until it becomes a reality; --gives you attunement with the Divine Will to achieve victory on your major ray. The energy of the 1st. Ray can be mastered as you learn to use the energy of the THROAT CHAKRA correctly:---through speaking only positive and uplifting words that support, encourage and teach others in loving ways; --by standing up for the truth; --by speaking your truth; --by realizing the value of silence; --by discerning when to speak and when to stay silent ; --by using the power of the spoken word to bring about positive change in your life and in society. eg.-- through the giving of prayers, mantra, affirmations, decrees and rosaries. ( decrees --www.transformnet.org rosaries---www.mothermarysgarden.com )
--by letting your throat chakra be the open door for the expression of Divine Love as God Power; --by letting your throat chakra radiate the Balanced Power that will take command over the Earth. ( Balance power with love.)
Positive Qualities of the 1st. Ray. --the will to be / willpower; --goodwill; --power; --faith; --perfection --leadership --obedience --protection --divine will --right understanding
Negative Expressions of the 1st. Ray. --need to control; --condemnation; --criticism; --gossip/ idle chatter; --sarcasm; --wilfulness --impotence --cowardice --abuse of power --doubt
The Will To Be . “To be or not to be.” You are either being Who You Really Are or not. Who are you ? You were originally created in God’s image and likeness. You are a Spiritual Being , currently living in a physical body on Earth. You came willingly to Earth in order to express God’s qualities here. Eg. Love, joy, peace, harmony, beauty, patience , etc. Because of the denseness of this material world, you forgot your spiritual identity and your reason for coming here. You used your free will and created your ego and you came to believe that you were only a human being. You forgot that you had come from God, that you were part of God. So it is important to restore the original memory of Who You Really Are. Once you have firmly established your true identity, you are then free to express that unique individuality here on Earth. You are then choosing to BE Who You Truly Are. Being Who You are means the realization that you are God in action, love in action and you know it and allow the unique flame that you are to express itself.
:--Goodwill :----is having kindly feelings towards others; --is caring for others who are in need; --is believing the best about people and acting on that belief.
:--Power :----is energy. Your four lower bodies are containers of God’s Power. --God has given you the gift of consciousness, of self-awareness, which gives you power. --You alone can and must govern your own world through the right use of power. --You are the conscious controlling power in your life and in your world. You can fill it with any quality that is needed or that you choose. --Your greatest power lies in the pursuit of spiritual goals, in living a life of honesty and integrity, of truth telling, of humility, of submitting yourself to the highest powers from the spiritual world-- ie. your own Spiritual Self, your I Am Presence and the Ascended masters who are the spiritual teachers for human beings on Earth. --The power of the universe is your I Am Presence, your true Spiritual Self, who acts at your command, at your call, at the issuing of your decrees and rosaries. --God’s power is for your use but you must guard against the desire to claim power of your outer self. It is the I Am Presence within you who is the doer.
“ I can of mine own self , do nothing;
it is the Father within me ( the I Am Presence ), who does the work.”Always give full credit and power where it belongs--to the God within you. You have creative powers:---the power of you vision, your ability to imagine; --the power of your attention, your ability to focus; --the power of your qualification, the invisible activity through your feeling. There is also :---the --the --the --the --the power power power power power of of of of of forgiveness; the spoken word; free will; your mind; conscious choice.
--By gaining a greater understanding of Who You Really Are and where you came from, you will gain power to take control over your own life experience. --You will be tested over and over again to prove that no matter what power is offered to you, you will never take it as a permanent adornment, or use it for personal things of pleasure or for manipulating and controlling others. --Your emotions direct your thoughts into a specific action and the intensity of your emotions will determine the power of the action. --God Power can only truly be expressed when you accept the Oneness of all life.
Affirmations:Affirmations:“ I claim my God Power. “ “ I Am God Power ! God Power I Am ! “ “ I express God Power that is in alignment with the Will of God. “ “ I Am One with God Power. “ “ My power is in the kingdom of that is within me. “Power is centred in my throat chakra. “ True power IS Love. “ “ I exercise the power of the spoken word for transformation.” “ I summon inner power to create constructive change.” “ I Am the power of God’s Will through the throat chakra. “ “ I Am a Being of limitless power. Power is brought into my four lower bodies as light. “ “ The material world is a mirror that can only reflect back to me what I am sending out through the power of my mind. “ “ My throat chakra now radiates the balanced power that takes command over my four lower bodies and over the Earth.” “ I use the energy of the throat chakra correctly. “ “ My throat chakra is balanced. “
“ My throat chakra is the open door for the expression of Divine Love as God Power. “ “ I release all misqualified energy of the throat chakra into the Violet transmuting Flame---NOW ! “
Divine Will. The Will of God is within you. It is your inner blueprint. It is the design of your soul. The Will of God is Good. It will not take from you your essential oneness or your true identity but is the adornment of that reality. Because God loves you unconditionally, He only wants the best for you. He wants you : ---To Be Who You Are---your Spiritual Self; --To reconnect to your God Flame; --To let your light shine because then your soul will feel its deepest fulfilment; --To always be willing to take one step higher on your path; --To become spiritually self-sufficient; --To always strive to Be More; --To make your own decisions and understand why you are making decisions and what the consequences of those decisions will be; --To reconnect to your Spiritual Self, your I Am presence so that you can receive divine direction for your life. The Will of God can always be reduced to the common denominator of Love, Light and Life.
The Will of God is unique for each person. The Will of God for you , at your particular stage of the spiritual path, will not be the same for another person who is at a different level. Affirmations:-Affirmations:-“ The Will of God is good, and it’s good for me. “ “ Not my will, not my will ,not my will, but Thy will be done, O God ! “ “ I Am One with the Will of God. “ “ God’s Will I Am ! I Am God’s Will ! “ “ God’s Will is ever-expanding--that all life becomes MORE--forever and ever. “ I love the Will of God ----the will to BE. “ “ The Will of God is the true will of my soul. “ “ I surrender to the Will of God. “
:-Faith :---is the energy that enables you to carry on even when you do not know what the outcome will be. --is the willingness to let God lead you. --is trusting in God and his laws. --is looking to God as your Source.
In this age you can draw upon the discoveries of science , so that instead of having blind faith, you can have a faith based on understanding, based on the rock of Christ understanding. eg.-- everything is energy; quantum physics. True faith is a faith that is based on inner knowing rather than blind adherence to outer doctrines. When you reach for the mind of Christ and realign yourself with the reality of God, you must have faith that God’s reality will be manifest in your life. This is a matter of learning how God’s laws work and then applying those laws with full faith that your inner vision will become a manifest reality.
Protection :-Protection :---is the ability and willingness to guard and shield your loved ones and those in your care. --is the ability to call on Archangel Michael and invoke spiritual protection for your four lower bodies, your etheric, mental, emotional and physical bodies. http://www.askrealjesus.com/ The energy of the 1st. Ray cause people to selflessly try and rescue others in dangerous situations.
--is being true to the inner law of your own being. --is obeying the inner counsel of your Spiritual Self, your I Am Presence.
--is following the moral and secular guidelines, rules and laws.
Leadership:-Leadership:---is the ability to guide others in small and great ways. --is the ability and willingness to serve others and to draw out their gifts and talents. --is realizing that it is the Higher Self, the I Am Presence of each one , who is the Real leader.
Master the 1st. Ray of God Power and Will by balancing your willpower with wisdom, love, purity, vision, service and freedom, the qualities of the other 6 rays. Willpower is a strong self-determined ability to do or be something. “ To be or not to be, that is the question. “ You are either being Who You Really Are--your true Spiritual Self-or you are not being Who You Really Are--you are instead allowing your ego or the egos of others or external influences, to control you and make decisions for you. See every situation as an opportunity for you to express your unique divine individuality. Understand the correct use of your free will and apply its correct use in every area of your life. The Law of Free Will states that with the gift of free will, given to you by God, you can experiment with God’s energy. You can use God’s energy to create whatever you want , through
your thoughts, feelings, words and actions. The only snag is that whatever you create will be reflected back to you. You will have to experience the conditions you create. God wants you to learn from the consequences of your choices. So see every situation as an opportunity to learn how you can use your free will, your willpower, to make better choices to change your life. The Law of Love states that the very purpose of life is to grow and become More. You are either becoming More---more of Who You Really Are or you are becoming less--expressing your ego. When expressing your free will, you need to examine your motives and purify them so that you are not violating or going against God’s laws and creating negative circumstances for yourself. You need the vision of Oneness, the understanding of the your Oneness with God and with all others, the Oneness of all life. Once you accept this oneness, you are free to use your free will in ways that will raise all of life and not just your lower self, who is ruled by the ego. When you use your free will to reconnect to your Spiritual Self, your I Am Presence, you will then be able to express your true individuality and not your ego. You will thus naturally want to serve life, to give service to others, to raise them up . You are not free to do what you want without regard to the consequences. The Law of Cause and Effect states that you are ultimately responsible for how you use God’s energy. If you misuse God’s energy, if you violate or go against God’s laws , you will create negative consequences for yourself which
will lead to pain, suffering and limitations in your life.
Seek to follow the Middle Way---the way of balance . The 1st. Ray corresponds to Right understanding---one of the understanding points of the Eight-fold Path of the Buddha. Right understanding enables you to make right choices. Right choices are choices that benefit yourself and others. Before you can make such choices, you need to understand your true identity and how the world works. You are a Spiritual being ,living currently in a physical body , here on Earth. You have come to Earth to fulfil your divine plan , which is unique to you. Your plan includes the need to balance your karma, to learn your lessons and to learn how to use God’s energy and laws correctly. Daily a stream of spiritual energy comes into your lower being from God--from Your own Higher self--Your I Am Presence. You are held accountable for the use you make of God’s energy. To help you learn how to correctly use this energy, the universe has been designed to act like a giant cosmic mirror. Whatever you send out through your thoughts, words, feelings and actions, will be reflected back to you in your life experiences. You are the creator of your own life. Once you take responsibility for your own life, because you now understand how life works, you are now in a position to make right choices. When making a choice, consider:---Will your choice be beneficial to all concerned ? --Is your motive pure or selfish? --Will your choice lift up yourself or others or pull you down ?
--Will your choice create negative karma for yourself ? You have the gift of free will. So use your free will to choose wisely.
Motivation on the 1st. Ray.Motivation is the reason or inspiration you need to spur you on to follow and complete a particular course of action. In order to Be or do something or to fulfil a purpose or pursue a dream until it becomes reality, you need the 1st. Ray quality of Willpower. Willpower is a strong, self-disciplined determination. The energy of the 1st. Ray gives you the power which motivates you, which drives your efforts so that you keep going until completion. When you first start to follow a spiritual path, your motivation is usually one of self-interest. It is usually the desire to improve your own life that provides the motivation, the spur you need to get you started. But it is advisable to be aware that there is no quick fix answers. It will require work on your part, for you need to :---deal with your own psychology, seeking therapy if necessary; --draw back from worldly things and thinking which will distract you and hold you back from pursuing the spiritual path; --overcome the downward pull created by your past lives and the mass consciousness. To help you there are spiritual techniques to help you , such as affirmations, decrees and rosaries. For decrees --go to http://www.transformnet.org/ http://www.tsl.org/
For rosaries-go to-- http://www.mothermarysgarden.com/
Once you have successfully dealt with these things, you will find that in order to continue growing spiritually , you will need to change you emphasis, change your motivation. You will need to turn from self- interest towards being focused on the growth of others. You will need to see the importance of using what you have learnt to help others. When you accept the true spiritual nature of yourself and others you will realize that we all came from the same Source--that we are all One with God and One with each other--and this will be your motivation for focusing on the growth of others. “ My motives are pure. I strive to do everything out of love for God Above, and out of love for God below, for I see God in every form and even in planet Earth. “
--by letting your throat chakra be the open door for the expression of Divine Love as God Power; --by letting your throat chakra radiate the Balanced Power that will take command over the Earth. ( Balance power with love.)
Positive Qualities of the 1st. Ray. --the will to be / willpower; --goodwill; --power; --faith; --perfection --leadership --obedience --protection --divine will --right understanding
Negative Expressions of the 1st. Ray. --need to control; --condemnation; --criticism; --gossip/ idle chatter; --sarcasm; --wilfulness --impotence --cowardice --abuse of power --doubt
The Will To Be . “To be or not to be.” You are either being Who You Really Are or not. Who are you ? You were originally created in God’s image and likeness. You are a Spiritual Being , currently living in a physical body on Earth. You came willingly to Earth in order to express God’s qualities here. Eg. Love, joy, peace, harmony, beauty, patience , etc. Because of the denseness of this material world, you forgot your spiritual identity and your reason for coming here. You used your free will and created your ego and you came to believe that you were only a human being. You forgot that you had come from God, that you were part of God. So it is important to restore the original memory of Who You Really Are. Once you have firmly established your true identity, you are then free to express that unique individuality here on Earth. You are then choosing to BE Who You Truly Are. Being Who You are means the realization that you are God in action, love in action and you know it and allow the unique flame that you are to express itself.
:--Goodwill :----is having kindly feelings towards others; --is caring for others who are in need; --is believing the best about people and acting on that belief.
:--Power :----is energy. Your four lower bodies are containers of God’s Power. --God has given you the gift of consciousness, of self-awareness, which gives you power. --You alone can and must govern your own world through the right use of power. --You are the conscious controlling power in your life and in your world. You can fill it with any quality that is needed or that you choose. --Your greatest power lies in the pursuit of spiritual goals, in living a life of honesty and integrity, of truth telling, of humility, of submitting yourself to the highest powers from the spiritual world-- ie. your own Spiritual Self, your I Am Presence and the Ascended masters who are the spiritual teachers for human beings on Earth. --The power of the universe is your I Am Presence, your true Spiritual Self, who acts at your command, at your call, at the issuing of your decrees and rosaries. --God’s power is for your use but you must guard against the desire to claim power of your outer self. It is the I Am Presence within you who is the doer.
“ I can of mine own self , do nothing;
it is the Father within me ( the I Am Presence ), who does the work.”Always give full credit and power where it belongs--to the God within you. You have creative powers:---the power of you vision, your ability to imagine; --the power of your attention, your ability to focus; --the power of your qualification, the invisible activity through your feeling. There is also :---the --the --the --the --the power power power power power of of of of of forgiveness; the spoken word; free will; your mind; conscious choice.
--By gaining a greater understanding of Who You Really Are and where you came from, you will gain power to take control over your own life experience. --You will be tested over and over again to prove that no matter what power is offered to you, you will never take it as a permanent adornment, or use it for personal things of pleasure or for manipulating and controlling others. --Your emotions direct your thoughts into a specific action and the intensity of your emotions will determine the power of the action. --God Power can only truly be expressed when you accept the Oneness of all life.
Affirmations:Affirmations:“ I claim my God Power. “ “ I Am God Power ! God Power I Am ! “ “ I express God Power that is in alignment with the Will of God. “ “ I Am One with God Power. “ “ My power is in the kingdom of that is within me. “Power is centred in my throat chakra. “ True power IS Love. “ “ I exercise the power of the spoken word for transformation.” “ I summon inner power to create constructive change.” “ I Am the power of God’s Will through the throat chakra. “ “ I Am a Being of limitless power. Power is brought into my four lower bodies as light. “ “ The material world is a mirror that can only reflect back to me what I am sending out through the power of my mind. “ “ My throat chakra now radiates the balanced power that takes command over my four lower bodies and over the Earth.” “ I use the energy of the throat chakra correctly. “ “ My throat chakra is balanced. “
“ My throat chakra is the open door for the expression of Divine Love as God Power. “ “ I release all misqualified energy of the throat chakra into the Violet transmuting Flame---NOW ! “
Divine Will. The Will of God is within you. It is your inner blueprint. It is the design of your soul. The Will of God is Good. It will not take from you your essential oneness or your true identity but is the adornment of that reality. Because God loves you unconditionally, He only wants the best for you. He wants you : ---To Be Who You Are---your Spiritual Self; --To reconnect to your God Flame; --To let your light shine because then your soul will feel its deepest fulfilment; --To always be willing to take one step higher on your path; --To become spiritually self-sufficient; --To always strive to Be More; --To make your own decisions and understand why you are making decisions and what the consequences of those decisions will be; --To reconnect to your Spiritual Self, your I Am presence so that you can receive divine direction for your life. The Will of God can always be reduced to the common denominator of Love, Light and Life.
The Will of God is unique for each person. The Will of God for you , at your particular stage of the spiritual path, will not be the same for another person who is at a different level. Affirmations:-Affirmations:-“ The Will of God is good, and it’s good for me. “ “ Not my will, not my will ,not my will, but Thy will be done, O God ! “ “ I Am One with the Will of God. “ “ God’s Will I Am ! I Am God’s Will ! “ “ God’s Will is ever-expanding--that all life becomes MORE--forever and ever. “ I love the Will of God ----the will to BE. “ “ The Will of God is the true will of my soul. “ “ I surrender to the Will of God. “
:-Faith :---is the energy that enables you to carry on even when you do not know what the outcome will be. --is the willingness to let God lead you. --is trusting in God and his laws. --is looking to God as your Source.
In this age you can draw upon the discoveries of science , so that instead of having blind faith, you can have a faith based on understanding, based on the rock of Christ understanding. eg.-- everything is energy; quantum physics. True faith is a faith that is based on inner knowing rather than blind adherence to outer doctrines. When you reach for the mind of Christ and realign yourself with the reality of God, you must have faith that God’s reality will be manifest in your life. This is a matter of learning how God’s laws work and then applying those laws with full faith that your inner vision will become a manifest reality.
Protection :-Protection :---is the ability and willingness to guard and shield your loved ones and those in your care. --is the ability to call on Archangel Michael and invoke spiritual protection for your four lower bodies, your etheric, mental, emotional and physical bodies. http://www.askrealjesus.com/ The energy of the 1st. Ray cause people to selflessly try and rescue others in dangerous situations.
--is being true to the inner law of your own being. --is obeying the inner counsel of your Spiritual Self, your I Am Presence.
--is following the moral and secular guidelines, rules and laws.
Leadership:-Leadership:---is the ability to guide others in small and great ways. --is the ability and willingness to serve others and to draw out their gifts and talents. --is realizing that it is the Higher Self, the I Am Presence of each one , who is the Real leader.
Master the 1st. Ray of God Power and Will by balancing your willpower with wisdom, love, purity, vision, service and freedom, the qualities of the other 6 rays. Willpower is a strong self-determined ability to do or be something. “ To be or not to be, that is the question. “ You are either being Who You Really Are--your true Spiritual Self-or you are not being Who You Really Are--you are instead allowing your ego or the egos of others or external influences, to control you and make decisions for you. See every situation as an opportunity for you to express your unique divine individuality. Understand the correct use of your free will and apply its correct use in every area of your life. The Law of Free Will states that with the gift of free will, given to you by God, you can experiment with God’s energy. You can use God’s energy to create whatever you want , through
your thoughts, feelings, words and actions. The only snag is that whatever you create will be reflected back to you. You will have to experience the conditions you create. God wants you to learn from the consequences of your choices. So see every situation as an opportunity to learn how you can use your free will, your willpower, to make better choices to change your life. The Law of Love states that the very purpose of life is to grow and become More. You are either becoming More---more of Who You Really Are or you are becoming less--expressing your ego. When expressing your free will, you need to examine your motives and purify them so that you are not violating or going against God’s laws and creating negative circumstances for yourself. You need the vision of Oneness, the understanding of the your Oneness with God and with all others, the Oneness of all life. Once you accept this oneness, you are free to use your free will in ways that will raise all of life and not just your lower self, who is ruled by the ego. When you use your free will to reconnect to your Spiritual Self, your I Am Presence, you will then be able to express your true individuality and not your ego. You will thus naturally want to serve life, to give service to others, to raise them up . You are not free to do what you want without regard to the consequences. The Law of Cause and Effect states that you are ultimately responsible for how you use God’s energy. If you misuse God’s energy, if you violate or go against God’s laws , you will create negative consequences for yourself which
will lead to pain, suffering and limitations in your life.
Seek to follow the Middle Way---the way of balance . The 1st. Ray corresponds to Right understanding---one of the understanding points of the Eight-fold Path of the Buddha. Right understanding enables you to make right choices. Right choices are choices that benefit yourself and others. Before you can make such choices, you need to understand your true identity and how the world works. You are a Spiritual being ,living currently in a physical body , here on Earth. You have come to Earth to fulfil your divine plan , which is unique to you. Your plan includes the need to balance your karma, to learn your lessons and to learn how to use God’s energy and laws correctly. Daily a stream of spiritual energy comes into your lower being from God--from Your own Higher self--Your I Am Presence. You are held accountable for the use you make of God’s energy. To help you learn how to correctly use this energy, the universe has been designed to act like a giant cosmic mirror. Whatever you send out through your thoughts, words, feelings and actions, will be reflected back to you in your life experiences. You are the creator of your own life. Once you take responsibility for your own life, because you now understand how life works, you are now in a position to make right choices. When making a choice, consider:---Will your choice be beneficial to all concerned ? --Is your motive pure or selfish? --Will your choice lift up yourself or others or pull you down ?
--Will your choice create negative karma for yourself ? You have the gift of free will. So use your free will to choose wisely.
Motivation on the 1st. Ray.Motivation is the reason or inspiration you need to spur you on to follow and complete a particular course of action. In order to Be or do something or to fulfil a purpose or pursue a dream until it becomes reality, you need the 1st. Ray quality of Willpower. Willpower is a strong, self-disciplined determination. The energy of the 1st. Ray gives you the power which motivates you, which drives your efforts so that you keep going until completion. When you first start to follow a spiritual path, your motivation is usually one of self-interest. It is usually the desire to improve your own life that provides the motivation, the spur you need to get you started. But it is advisable to be aware that there is no quick fix answers. It will require work on your part, for you need to :---deal with your own psychology, seeking therapy if necessary; --draw back from worldly things and thinking which will distract you and hold you back from pursuing the spiritual path; --overcome the downward pull created by your past lives and the mass consciousness. To help you there are spiritual techniques to help you , such as affirmations, decrees and rosaries. For decrees --go to http://www.transformnet.org/ http://www.tsl.org/
For rosaries-go to-- http://www.mothermarysgarden.com/
Once you have successfully dealt with these things, you will find that in order to continue growing spiritually , you will need to change you emphasis, change your motivation. You will need to turn from self- interest towards being focused on the growth of others. You will need to see the importance of using what you have learnt to help others. When you accept the true spiritual nature of yourself and others you will realize that we all came from the same Source--that we are all One with God and One with each other--and this will be your motivation for focusing on the growth of others. “ My motives are pure. I strive to do everything out of love for God Above, and out of love for God below, for I see God in every form and even in planet Earth. “
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