The circle is the master-key (message from Emmanuel)Beloved Brothers,When awareness grows to its pinnacle the circle is complete.When the end and the beginning meet, the circle is complete, and then you become total. You will be both, the beginning and the end, you will be whole, You will be the very essence of the Universe.At this moment there are beams of light of high vibratory energy coming down to assist Earth and Humanity in the ascension process.We of the Higher Realms see that never before has your planet raised its constant vibration rate of 7.86 megahertz to a frequency of more than double, and it will continue rising. Your scientists are recording the change, but they cannot explain it.The vibratory frequency change is not happening only to Terra, but to everything living within her energetic field. The frequencies will continue rising throughout the next two years until Gaias’s own circle is complete. Through those beams of light coming down right now, also your DNA is being activated in all your bodies throughout all four octaves of reality. This will change every single aspect of human life as you know it.You are an individual part of All That Is, and your individuality was given to you for the good of the Whole. Before your incarnation you have agreed to assist in the completion of the collective circle through completing your individual circle, this is part of your contract in the eternal metamorphosis. But your personal completion has to be total, cannot be partial, either it is or not.The completion is achieved only through awareness. You have to embody your higher-consciousness, and in order to do that you have to unburden yourself of all theories, philosophies, religions, and ideologies. The process of completing the circle is a process of unlearning.You have been led astray since birth through receiving confusing and wrong information. There are entities upon your planet with a negative agenda, but they are losing their power every time one individual circle is completed.These negative entities feed on fear; their only power comes from keeping you afraid and ignorant, that is why you are being exposed to negative information throughout your whole life, to keep you afraid.You are afraid of having an accident, you are afraid of losing your job, you are afraid of getting ill, you are afraid of not having enough food, you are afraid of a possible war, you are afraid of getting micro-chipped, etc. Can you see the pattern? All those things you are afraid of belong to the future. Every negative thought of fear sends your attention into the future, and if you act in the present with your attention on the future, your present action will be no effective. That is why you have not been able to complete your personal circle yet.The notion of time is only present on the holographic reality you are living in. The Universe knows no future; there is never any time but Now. If you bring your attention into the Now all fears disappear.You have been programmed to grow through Love, and fear is absence of Love.Hence your Love is very much needed at this time upon your plane, to stop feeding those negative entities.Do not try to fight fear, what you fight you feed. Simply do not focus your attention on those things, and they will lose their power.The completion of Mankind’s circle is a gigantic assignment that nobody else but you can consummate. You are on Earth because you have taken the challenge of becoming Whole again by completing your personal circle. If there is something that can be done today, and you don’t do it, you have fail.Beloved Brothers, remember your nature, you are powerful cosmic beings acting on behalf of All That Is, whatsoever you do, All That Is is doing it, and whatsoever you are, All That Is is that.Be a light onto yourself and you will be a light for others. Expand your awareness to its pinnacle in the Now and open your heart to Love; it is time to complete the circle!ALL power is working with you.I AM Emmanuel©2009 Langa http://www.emmanuelmessages.comPermission is granted to copy and share this information only in its entirety, including this copyright notice and without altering content information.
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