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Sunday, October 4, 2009
SUPREME CONTROL OF CONDITIONSConditions are thought made. Change your thought and you will change yourcondition. To agonize and struggle in a bad condition is like struggling in quicksand,you get in deeper. Tell your bad conditions to another and you multiply them. If theheavens are falling and the earth is slipping under your feet, grab a big Turkish towel,walk briskly into the supreme sanctuary of the body,--the bath-room, take a thoroughsalt-water bath, with a few drops of perfume in it to awaken your self-respect.Then in a quiet, darkened room take a good sleep of ten to fifteen hours. Then riseand eat slowly, quietly and happily some nourishing food. God, Himself, could donothing with Elijah, until He had given him a long sleep and a good meal. Then Elijahwent forth and crowned a King, appointed a Prophet, established a Kingdom, and rodeHome in chariots of fire.Once you make a start, the world is at your command. Let go of the past. Stop thefoolish thinking that conditions hold you, it is you holding onto conditions. Quit yourself-pity, blaming others, and saying you are the victim of circumstances. Stop whining,and begin singing, then will your feet be loosed from the stocks and the iron gatesopen outward before you. Look away from yourself.=IS YOUR WILL ASLEEP AT THE WHEEL?= Awake it. See if you are sailing, ordrifting. Set the compass of your Mind to new thoughts, fresh purposes, selflessdesires, fill your sails with boundless hope, and let your daily voyage spell SERVICE ina big way. You are not a chip on the River of Life, you are a Supreme Master in aUniverse of Facts. You think you are stuck in the harbor mud, but it is only that the tideis out. Command your Will to put up the sails, God will send you wind and tide to bearyou out of the stale, sordid mental and bodily conditions you are living in, give youwider horizon, and a limitless ocean of experience. If anybody does not wish to sailwith you, leave them on the shore. Let go of your past, break away from conditionsthat hold you in slavery. Seek new scenery, form new surroundings, begin a newSupreme Life.=KEEP YOUR BODY SUPREME:= Go back to Nature; be a fine animal. Get into thesunshine, the silent woods, the open fields. Magnetize your body by walking thru thedew barefooted, by sleeping on the grass, or half buried in the sand. Tuberculosis,rheumatism, insomnia are unknown to wild animals. Our bodies are sick and weakbecause we have denatured ourselves. Make friends of the wild animals, they willteach you how to keep well. They have not a single case of nervous prostration in alltheir vast forest home. Learn to relax. Drop your tension and you check confusion.Stop a few minutes sometime in the day and quiet your nerves, rest your muscles,calm your senses, sooth your thoughts, somewhere in the sunshine, or under theshade of an old apple-tree. Eat simply, slowly, nuts, dates, cereals, fruits. Drinkabundantly of water between meals. Dress less somber, study your personalappearance, give it harmony. Keep your body well groomed. A bath and hair cut willchange the out-look of life. Quit habits that weaken the body. Never talk about yourbodily weakness, illness, or condition, nor listen to those of others. Criticise your bodyand it will fail you. Praise your body and it will serve you. Take air-baths, cold waterplunges, or cold water sponges, every morning. Fix your mind upon having a soundand healthy body and you will attract it. Exercise, walk, run, play, work, and learn torest. Change your habits of living. Cut out the grouch. Stop nagging. You’re sourbecause your pores are stopped up; get a rip-saw and take a sweat. You’re morbidlyblue because your solar plexus has gone to sleep; give it half an hour of internalvibration. Don’t knock the weather, like it, get into it, let it put iron into your blood.Plunge into a storm, it will act as tonic on your spirit. A dip in the ocean will addmagnetism to your body. Your body is a mighty fine engine of marvelous energy. Overfed,under-fed, over-burdened, neglected, abused, weakened, shamefully talkedabout, yet year after year it goes on generating the divinest thing in the universe—Life.It transmutes profane elements into divine energy, washes a river of blood free of tonsof poison, supports a brain that builds and rules limitless empires, sustains a visionthat dissolves darkness into light, the unknown into the known, upholds the image of,and is “the Temple of the Living God.” Your body is Supreme. Keep it divine. Strip yourbody bare and lie in the sunshine. Let it soak deeply into the tissue, it will magnetizeyour body, and renew it with youth. Take these sun-baths every sunny day possible bylying on a couch before a large window, or even better, out in the open air. If you wanta magnetic body that is supple, elastic and youthful give it sun-baths and air-bathsdaily.=KEEP YOUR MIND SUPREME:= Your mind is limitless. You were born to lead, not tobe always led. Think for yourself. Do your own planning. Make new plans. Train yourmind to think alone. Misery is rust on a mind that has stopped working. Train yourmind to delight people. Don’t follow the crowd, but step softly among human hearts.Train your mind to think big. Expand your mind until it encircles the universe. Stopfussing over little things, over useless people, and fill your mind with new ideals andfresh purpose. Stop wailing over flowers that will never blossom on the north side ofyour house; go around to the south side and make a new garden. You have atemperament that is likely to be misunderstood; that’s fine. So did Sarvonarola,Columbus, Galileo, Luther, Whitfield, Emerson, Lincoln and Jesus. “Seven citiesfought for Homer, dead, thru whose streets the living Homer begged his bread.” Thereputation of Jesus was just the opposite of His character.These, stood thinking their brave thoughts on the horizon where Truth asks you tostand. You are better than you think; or as good. You are the sum total of your thinking.Build thought palaces, not mud huts. Create, originate, produce new ideas. Beware ofdead monotony, it kills the brain. Unfetter your thoughts from notions, prejudices andlimitations. Think well of yourself, think well of what you have, think well of what youdo, think invincibly, think persistently, think with unflinching resolve. Concentration isgetting at a thing, thinking it, planning it, preparing for it, working on it, DOING IT. Yourconditions, mental, physical, financial, are thought made; fill your mind with differentthoughts and you will have different conditions. Thought gathers around you the thingsyou want, when you stop thinking of them they pass away. Thoughts are seeds, theyproduce after their kind. A little thought will shake off useless conditions and confusedenvironment. Think some fun into your daily events. Don’t be over-serious; it breedsdisease germs, just as anger and hate thoughts induce cancer, tumor and livertroubles. Start a hurricane of jollity. Break loose in a thunderstorm of mirth, it will clearthe atmosphere under a roof, just as a thunderstorm clears the air over the roof. Onthe other hand “there is a season to weep.” Never smother your emotion, to choke itback stifles the heart. Lift the flood-gates and let your tears water the garden of yourheart. “Be renewed in the spirit of your mind.”That is the life. Be renewed every morning, for each day is a new life, a fresh world,the beginning of eternity. Think your thought created enemies into thought createdfriends. Think your thought created suspicions, into thought created confidences.Thought has drawn you into your conditions, it will pull you out. Your Soul, your Mind,your Body cannot become ugly, useless, imprisoned so long as you think supremeharmony, dominion, and love. Thought makes your body a hovel, your mind amadhouse, or thought makes your body a temple and your mind a shrine whereangels commune with you. Environment, conditions, circumstances are not yourmasters, they are materials out of which thought makes the beautiful mosaics ofcharacter. Light the candle of a new thought and diligently sweep every corner of yourmind, and you shall find the rare treasure—happiness. Put fun into your thinking. Donot take yourself so serious, put the red blood of mirth into your daily thinking.
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