El Morya Khan{A Biography of the Ascended Master EL Morya & some of his more outstanding accomplishments}
Of more meaning to us today are his incarnations during the last two thousand years, with the last one being the teacher and guide of both Mme. Blavatsky and Henry Steel Olcott, founders of the Theosophical Movement toward the end of the Nineteenth Century. Also the Guru of Elizabeth and Mark Prophet, founders of the Summit Lighthouse. Today he holds the Office of Chohan of the First Ray, the ray of Divine Power and Will. It is not surprising that after countless incarnations as ruler and king, he should be vested with this office, yet as the wielder of such power, his students remark about the softness in his eyes and the gentleness of his manner.
Let us explore his most recent incarnations as a means of understanding this great and ancient soul who lives among us even today.
According to the Aquarian Gospel, the three Magi who followed the star of Bethlehem from Persia to Bethlehem were called Hor, Lun, and Mer. The fact that they traveled such a far distance from Persia to see the newborn king, frightened King Herod. Knowing Herod's thought, they warned the father Joseph (Sanctus Germanus) of King Herod's treachery.
These three were part of the Magi order, a Zoroastrian sect led by three chief Magi priests called Balthasar, Melchior, and Caspar. In those incarnations, Balthasar was said to be the Master Kuthumi; Melchior, the Master Morya; and Caspar, the Master Djwal Khul. According to the Aquarian Gospel, the chief Magis did not meet Jesus until He was an adult of twenty-four years old. Jesus had journeyed to India and spent several years there learning the ancient mysteries of the Brotherhood, and on his return to Nazareth, he stopped by Persia. The three Magis, Hor, Lun, and Mer, being clairvoyant, knew of his arrival and gave him a joyous welcome in the street and brought him to their home where they introduced him to Balthasar, Melchior, and Caspar.
When the seven came together, they sat in silence for seven days, for they knew that Jesus was also part of the Silent Brotherhood. When they heard Jesus' answers to their questions concerning contradictions in the Zoroastrian religion, they knew He was the great teacher.
The Magis bid Jesus farewell as He left them to continue his journey back to Nazareth. A few days later, while the six Magis were together, Jesus suddenly reappeared before them and declared that they were the first to witness his transmutation in the flesh, something that had been prophesied for later when he would appear before the twelve disciples after his crucifixion. So, as brothers of the Silent Brotherhood, the six Magis had a sneak preview of Jesus' transmutation.
It is said that during this incarnation, the three Chief Magis were given the option to ascend but they instead elected to stay on earth until they had finished bringing in the Theosophy movement in the late 1800's.
Sanctus Germanus
The Master Morya as King Arthur 6th Century AD
Centuries later, the Master Morya reincarnated as King Arthur under the tutelage of the mystic or magician Merlin (Sanctus Germanus). According to tradition, Merlin arranged for the conception of Arthur when King Uther Pendragon of Britain fell in love with Ygraine, a married woman. Merlin transformed King Uther into the likeness of Ygraine's husband, so that she would lie with him. Arthur was then conceived.After Arthur was born, Merlin took him to a man named Hector to be raised as a commoner. After King Uther Pendragon died, Merlin notified the barons of Britain that God had established a test to determine the successor to the throne.In front of a cathedral, Merlin made appear a large stone topped with an anvil, in which a sword was embedded. Only the rightful future king of England would be able to withdraw the sword, and of course Arthur did so.Because of his humble origins, Arthur overcame strong opposition from the British nobles to his royal claim, but eventually he was crowned. To help him in his task of leading Britain, he received a great sword, Excalibur, offered by a hand that rose mysteriously from a lake.
Under Merlin's guidance, Arthur expelled foreigners from Britain by undertaking a series of wars, conquests, and invasions. Britain then entered a long period of peace and security during which King Arthur established a kingdom based on justice, law, and morality. He held court at his castle at Camelot and instituted an order known as the Knights of the Round Table. The shape of the table ensures that all who sit around it are equal in status.
Eventually his realm crumbled, wrought by his own moral decay and external invasions. Arthur even ended up killing his illegitimate son Mordred, who tried to usurp his throne. Before dying, Mordred however inflicted mortal wounds on his father Arthur. Many versions of Arthurian legend say that Arthur will someday return, when he is again needed by Britain.
We see in this incarnation the attempt of the Brotherhood to set up the beginnings of a just society and system of fair governance but like all such enlightened ideas, they are subject to attack and denigration before the forces of evil, the Dark Forces, look at what George W. Bush was able to do here in America!
The Master Morya as Teacher to the Founders of The Theosophical Society
During the late 1800's the Master Morya took the form as a Rajput Prince, and for many decades held an authoritative position in Indian affairs. As an adept on the physical plane along with his close colleagues, the Masters Kuthumi and Djwal Khul, he took under his wing the two founders of the Theosophical Society, Mme. H.P. Blavatsky and Colonel Henry Steele Olcott, to train and guide them into the founding of what was to be the first of several embodiments of the Ancient Wisdom for Western Civilization.
In their New York apartment, the Master Morya, along with his helper devas, poured information through Mme. Blavatsky, information she herself did not and could not have known, to come out with Isis Unveiled, a work that challenged the world's religious establishments by revealing that ALL religions had their origin in the Ancient Wisdom of the Brotherhood. This of course caused great furor among Christians and much satisfaction among the Brethren of the Great Brotherhood of Light.
After the founders moved to India to establish the world headquarters of the Theosophical Society in Adyar, the Master Morya continued to guide them, appearing periodically in person or precipitating letters of advice. He was in constant telepathic contact with Mme. Blavatsky until her passing in 1891. From then he felt his service to that movement had finished and he took his ascension along with his close colleague the Master Kuthumi. In 1990, Moira and Raja went to Adyar and to the International Headquarters of The Theosophical Society. They meditated at the grave sites of Annie Besant and CW Leadbetter. It was here that Master Morya prepared his disciple Prof. Moira, for this service of mediumship near 2 decades later.
Today, the initiates and the disciples on the physical plane working in the Ashram of the Master Morya primarily promote synthesis in the world of politics and of government, while trying to preserve freedom in unity. They are working for a subjective synthesis of divergent ideas that will serve as the unifying energy that will bring about eventual peace and understanding on earth - a peace which will preserve individual and national cultures, but which will subordinate them to the good of the whole of humanity.
Do you sometimes get them mixed up? Together we just call Moira and Morya, "M ". Of course there is another great Master already named with one letter and that is "H" for the Master Hilarion. He also joins his insights and wisdom here with us from time to time, as he is also a member of the Trans-Himalayan Brotherhood of Light. The teachings of "M " are sweet in the mouth, but bitter in the stomach. That is, the revelations contained within their Aquarian teachings are indeed sweet and beautiful, but as these Truths digest, we realize how much our Father-Mother GOD requires of us, and the sweetness turns to bitterness; and, as this bitterness sets in, we are tempted to resent "M ". Yet, we know SHe knows best.
Our Holy Mother-Father requires each one of us to conquer the carnal appetites, passions and desires. That is, we must win The Victory; we must obtain the pearl of greatest price -- a very difficult and monumental task. Yet, one must possess this pure white gem before one may re-enter Paradise. (Meanwhile, we remain locked out, as we have been for eons, ever since the fall from grace.)
However, there is now cause for great rejoicing. The Age of Aquarius is now dawning. All men and women (judged worthy) are about to be admitted to this glorious Age (a school), where we will be taught how to acquire the most precious pearl, and we will make many giant strides on the trek to soul-maturity. The onset of this imminent New Age will mark the end of warfare on Earth (as the meek receive their inheritance).
During the Aquarian Age we will be taught how to walk the straight and narrow way (the return path to Eden), and re-enter Paradise -- a state of mind, and a joyous feast. During these times of Revelations, as we make the transition to the Aquarian Age, vast multitudes of men and women will soon be compelled to come up to the feast.
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