Thursday, August 6, 2009


2. Virgo: The Big Picture 8
3. Virgo: Hot Topics 9
4. Virgo: Monthly Highlights 11
5. Understanding Your Sun Sign Forecast 15
6. Mercury Retrograde & Eclipse Dates 21
7. Quick Archetype & Glossary Definitions 22
8. About the Author 23
© Michelle Proctor 2008 0411 264 753 p. 3
The General Outlook:
An Overview of 2009’s Major Themes
By Michelle Proctor
Most astrologers agree that the planetary alignments between January
2008 and December 2012 stand out as tumultuous. The cosmic
patterns in 2009 are no exception. The ancient Mayans ended their
calendar at December 2012, an indication that a major phase of
humanity’s development is completing and a new phase beginning.
The astrology of 2009 continues the preparation for this transition.
Is this the dawning of the Age of Aquarius?
Since the 1960s, and even earlier, we have been going through the symptoms of one age ending and another
beginning. The New Age movement that started in the 60s, and that was sung about in the musical Hair
(‘This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius’), helped lay the foundations of a new era.
Every Age lasts approximately 2150 years due to a phenomenon known as the Precession of the Equinoxes.
The change-over time between each age lasts a few hundred years, more or less. At the moment, we are in
the last of the Age of Pisces and slowly sliding into Aquarius. Notice how the ages move backwards through
the zodiac? The age before Pisces was Aries.
It’s hard to know in advance how long the cusp of an age is. We really only retrospectively knew that the 60s
were significant to the turning of the ages. It’s likely to be the same after 2012. We’ll know in the years
beyond whether 2012 was indeed the birth of the Age of Aquarius or just another phase in the gestation
process, like the 60s was.
The old versus the new – Saturn opposite Uranus
The difficulties of adjusting to the new and letting go of the old are highlighted this year by Saturn
(Capricorn’s ruler) and Uranus (Aquarius’s ruler) opposing each other in the sky. This particular Saturn-
Uranus opposition is a substantial one, taking 1.5 years to complete. It first started in November 2008 and
won’t finish until July 2010. Interestingly enough, the last time these two planets were in a similar clash was
in the 60s (between 1965 and 1967), during the ‘dawning of the Age of Aquarius’.
It’s mainly in February and September this year that the planet of tradition, Saturn, has a battle with the
planet of innovation, Uranus. Saturn is like a clock, predictable and reliable. Yet unlike the cuckoo in a
cuckoo clock, Uranus does not pop out of its box at preordained times. This erratic behaviour has its ups and
downs. An ‘up’ is that Uranus breaks us free from aspects of tradition that weigh us down. A ‘down’ is that
Uranus can destroy all that Saturn has dedicated itself to building up. For example, if Saturn is a seaside
town, Uranus is a tsunami.
Is this the time of the Earth Changes?
Saturn in Virgo is a very earthy combination, bringing to mind Mother Earth. Yet Uranus in Pisces is
chaotic, rebellious and unpredictable. Many people have dubbed the tumultuous period between now and
2012 the time of the Earth Changes. We’ve already seen much evidence of how Earth’s climate is changing,
including more severe weather patterns. Uranus brings shocks and shake-ups including violent storms, flash
floods, earthquakes and more.
In addition, Saturn often limits or restricts the zodiac sign it’s in, and Virgo is the sign of grain. It’s likely
food shortage issues will take up more of our attention. Saturn in Virgo is also an image of the ‘elite’ or
those in control holding the grain, and Uranus in Pisces is an image of revolutionary forces freeing the grain
from the rich and sharing it with the masses.
© Michelle Proctor 2008 0411 264 753 p. 4
Uranus is a wild anarchic energy, the likes of which we saw on September 11, 2001. Saturn represents
established structures or buildings, just like the Twin Towers. Uranus is associated with planes and air travel,
so the image of planes destroying the twin towers awakens both the Saturn and Uranus archetypes. With
Saturn now opposite Uranus, the issue of terrorism again looms large. It’s important during this time not to
give into fear but to focus instead on the breath of fresh air that Uranus can bring.
Cherishing and celebrating the past
Jupiter, the planet of abundance, spent most of 2008 in Capricorn and begins 2009 still there, but only for the
first five days. While in Capricorn throughout 2008, Jupiter helped us paint a vision of how the Capricorn
energy can be evolved to work well for us in the future. In addition, in August 22 this year the North Node
moves into Capricorn where it will spend the next eighteen months, continuing Jupiter’s efforts at helping us
acknowledge which bits of Capricorn we want to take with us beyond 2012 and into the Age of Aquarius.
So what is it that’s good about Capricorn that we want to keep? First of all, positive Capricorn fosters natural
respect for the past and its elders, those who have journeyed through life before us and have wisdom to
share. If we have been controlled or abused by our elders (an example of negative Capricorn) then we are
unlikely to respect them, but those who have guided us and done their best have much to offer, even if their
physical forms are old and frail.
New inspiring leaders, mentors and elders
On the world stage throughout 2009 we will continue to see elders or authorities who misuse their power
(negative Capricorn). Yet as Saturn and Uranus battle over the old and the new, we can be sure to see many
leaders enter the world stage who role-model the positive Capricorn qualities of responsibility, congruence,
wisdom and integrity. The recent US election has brought Barak Obama to the world stage and at the
moment he seems to be role-modelling these qualities.
Of course, each and every one of us has gathered wisdom from our life experiences so far, and has something
to offer in the way of leadership. No matter how young or old we are, Capricorn helps us remember and
value our pasts. Throughout 2009 we are encouraged to acknowledge our achievements, whether big or
small, and to feel validated to share judgments based on what we’ve learnt. This will happen through all
layers of society right down to local and personal groups including family, friends or community.
Capricorn knows that ‘from little things big things grow’. A majestic centuries-old tree started from a seed.
Its first success was sprouting into a seedling. Negative Capricorn would, without considering all the
consequences, chop that tree down for economic gain. Positive Capricorn would honour that tree,
remembering each of its growth accomplishments and acknowledging the gifts the tree continues to give.
Pluto in Capricorn - Completing the past
In 2009 dwarf-planet Pluto is the main champion of the Capricorn energy. Pluto moved into Capricorn in
January 2008 and holds firm in that sign right up to 2024. Black Moon Lilith (goddess of awakening wisdom
from the dark) moves into Capricorn on January 4 and stays until October 1, adding intensity to Pluto’s
sojourn there.
Pluto admonishes us to stop making the same mistakes over and over. Negative Capricorn justifies its
mistakes usually by blaming itself or others. Yet there’s no need to get caught up in the ‘blame game’
because mistakes don’t make us bad. They just make us human. Pluto demands taking responsibility for
negative uses of Capricorn knowing that healing and justice must be attended to in order to move on.
On February 13, 2008 the new Australian Rudd-Gillard government on the first day of parliament said
‘Sorry’ to the Australian Aborigines for the abuses and mistakes of the past. This is a positive example of
Pluto in Capricorn. Pluto in Capricorn asks us to realise the consequences of our mistakes and make
considered choices for reparation.
© Michelle Proctor 2008 0411 264 753 p. 5
Healing shames and discovering our happiness
Often we block our pasts because we can’t bear to face hidden shames. But neither Pluto nor Black Moon
Lilith will allow this kind of blocking in 2009. It’s become commonplace to tell ourselves to ‘just move on’.
Yet this doesn’t work if we haven’t first dealt with an issue. It’s negative Aquarius to say ‘get over it’. Saturn
in its tussle with Uranus this year won’t allow that removed, objective attitude.
Some of us get stuck in feelings of guilt and punish ourselves for being ‘bad’. This is just as damaging as
prematurely moving on. A Pluto in Capricorn technique to heal the past involves the following three steps: 1)
acknowledge a mistake (done by us or to us) by taking it seriously 2) work it through with all levels of our
being (mind-body-spirit) 3) move on by asking for, or making, amends and integrating what’s been learnt
into future decisions.
Throughout 2009 Pluto and Black Moon Lilith help us declutter our pasts, clear our sorrows and recover the
treasure of our triumphs. For example, the current scrapbooking craze helps us celebrate people, places and
circumstances as we sift and sort through photos, letters and cherished objects. Our hearts are both warmed
and saddened as we reminisce. The reward for these mixed feelings is becoming more whole and alive.
Living in the cusp of Pisces-Aquarius
Throughout 2009 the Aquarius and Pisces energies are inextricably linked. Neptune, the contemporary ruler
of Pisces, went into Aquarius in 1998 and eleven years later in 2009 is still there helping us appreciate both
the Pisces and Aquarius archetypes. In addition, Uranus, the contemporary ruler of Aquarius, went into
Pisces in 2003 and is still there now.
This cross-fertilisation of rulers and signs is called ‘mutual reception’ – i.e. Neptune is normally associated
with Pisces but is in Aquarius; Uranus is normally associated with Aquarius but is in Pisces. This particular
mutual reception helps Pisces bring compassion to Aquarius’s pure logic and Aquarius bring objectivity to
Pisces’s sensitivity.
As far as humanity’s archetypal evolution goes, there’s a repeated message that over 2009 the project is to
master the energies of Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. Interestingly, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces are the
three last signs of the zodiac, reiterating the theme of completion.
Jupiter in Aquarius – destructive terrorism?
After January 6, the planet of growth and abundance, Jupiter, is in Aquarius for the rest of the year bringing
visions for the new Aquarian age. But it truly will be a case of discerning which ideas are worth following
and which are not. Certain new ideas can be as detrimental as some old ones.
For example, Adolf Hitler thought he had brilliant ideas for a better world, but very few people would agree
that his revolutionary ideas about race were beneficial. In Hitler’s birth chart the planet of the mind,
Mercury, is in strong alignment with Aquarius’s ruler, Uranus. So although Hitler’s ideas were innovative
and radical, and therefore Aquarian by nature, they were also destructive.
The Aquarius energy is susceptible to getting stuck in the mind and expressing in cold ways. Negative
Aquarius is an isolating energy and reduces people to numbers. This frightening aspect of Aquarius can lead
people to kill themselves or others for causes and ideologies. Jupiter is often associated with religion and
Aquarius can be associated with extremism. With Jupiter in Aquarius, it’s possible we might see increased
religious fundamentalism and expressions of terrorism throughout 2009.
Jupiter in Aquarius – creative community?
Oprah Winfrey is an Aquarian and in many ways her show provides a positive example of Aquarius, i.e.
bringing people together from all walks of life to share different experiences and feel part of a community.
Positive Aquarius unites people and works towards better circumstances for all. Farmers markets, charity
organisations, environmental awareness groups, local services exchange programs and the like, all in their
own way work towards this dream.
© Michelle Proctor 2008 0411 264 753 p. 6
Yet we often tend to bond as communities mainly after a crisis, e.g. a flood or earthquake, rather than as a
general way of being. In 2009 with Jupiter in Aquarius, we are likely to see many more communities
collaborating with foresight rather than hindsight. Groups that meet to address climate change or poverty are
examples of Jupiter in Aquarius. Technologies also belong under the Aquarius banner and global online
communities are likely to grow stronger as technologies continue to develop.
The Jupiter–Neptune blend – blessing or curse?
Jupiter in Aquarius travels quite closely to Neptune in Aquarius throughout 2009, and on three occasions
(May, July and December) these two make an exact connection. Jupiter is the old ruler of Pisces and
Neptune is the new ruler. With the traditional and contemporary rulers of Pisces coming together, the Pisces
archetype is amplified.
Many people associate the start of the Age of Pisces with the birth of Christ and it is feasible that the Age of
Pisces began then, given that each age lasts approximately 2150 years. Jesus was said to have embodied ‘the
Christ energy’, the gift of unconditional love, which is one of the key qualities of Pisces. Yet it’s important
to note that this ‘Christ’ or ‘Pisces’ energy has been embodied by many holy beings, including Buddha, and
is not exclusive to Jesus.
One of the biggest themes of the Age of Pisces has been reclaiming our personal connection to the divine
energy of unconditional love. Jesus Christ, for example, encouraged people to follow his example of
developing an inner connection with the Christ energy. He was alive during a time when organised religions
had the stronghold as apparent sole conduits to the divine. Certainly Pisces is about surrendering to the
divine. Yet positive surrender is about making a choice to collaborate with the divine without sacrificing a
central sense of self. Negative surrender is giving others permission to control our access to ‘the divine’.
During the Age of Pisces, another ‘God’ that we have surrendered to has been addiction or escapism.
Negative Pisces becomes attached to drugs, alcohol, movies, gambling, sex or money and so on as a way to
connect to a transcendent experience. It’s even possible to be addicted to meditation by zoning out in our
upper chakras (third eye and crown).
The Jupiter–Neptune love drug
Throughout 2009 there’ll be many positive opportunities to meet soul mates and have wonderful romantic
connections. Yet on the downside, there’ll also be ample opportunity to fall hopelessly in love and be taken
advantage of. We’ll all need to keep our feet on the ground this year, but let’s not be so serious that we
protect ourselves from the possible pleasures of Jupiter and Neptune travelling hand-in-hand. It’s a year with
enormous potential for heart healing and the strength of love winning out. Yet for every person with a
successful fairytale romance, there’s likely to be another dealing with disappointments. Jupiter and Neptune
take us through the highs and lows of love. Watch out for deceptions and watch for getting addicted to love
and overlooking the reality of the person you’re in love with.
Reclaiming soul and enchantment
When Jupiter and Neptune come together in 2009, especially in May, July and December, we are given a
chance to break free of addictions. Because Jupiter and Neptune meet in Aquarius, we’re likely to become
especially aware of addictions to technology, e.g. Internet, iPods, large Plasma screens, mobile phones. In
many ways, it’s as if we’ve become absorbed into a collective trance through our attachment to the media.
The advertising industry, for example, is often based on the use of subliminal messages.
We are susceptible in 2009 to confusions created by electronic outages, phone networks crashing, GPS
systems going haywire and so on. As difficult as this might be at first, it’s ultimately an opportunity to be
unplugged from external sources of information. The Jupiter-Neptune alignments give us the chance to
reclaim connections to our personal inner truths. It’s difficult to access our combined rational and intuitive
wisdom with the buzz of technology feeding us continual external information.
It’s likely that over the course of the year deceptions by those in power are revealed. We possibly don’t yet
know the extent to which technology has been developed in secret. Perhaps for instance, robots are further
© Michelle Proctor 2008 0411 264 753 p. 7
developed than we realise. With Jupiter and Neptune in Aquarius, those in power might go a step too far with
their spin doctoring.
Let us, then, in the last phase of this Age of Pisces reclaim our personal connections to the divine and
reawaken a natural, rather than artificial, sense of enchantment and wonder. What is ‘the divine’ anyway?
Perhaps it’s a storage base of each of our soul’s personal creative projects? In 2009 we have the opportunity
to hear once more the soul callings that might have become overlaid by the flashing neon lights of our
modern culture.
Saturn into Libra – it’s all our choice
On October 30, Saturn moves into Libra helping us focus on building peace. Yet on November 16, shortly
after moving into the zodiac sign of peace, Saturn makes a difficult contact to Pluto, one that might escalate
world tensions. One of the most powerful alignments during the Twin Towers attack in 2001 was that
between Saturn and Pluto. And in November 2009, those planets align again.
It’s important to face that there are many large-scale abuses (negative Pluto) of genders, children, cultures
and religions that largely go unnoticed, and that under the Saturn-Pluto energy these will be harder to hide.
Many of the disempowered are likely to stand up for recognition and demand accountability. Under a Saturn-
Pluto alignment it’s possible that some might even seek revenge and retribution.
Ultimately the year ends with a reminder about choice. Saturn in Libra (the sign of the Scales) certainly
highlights the power of choice. In the long run, we as individuals make up humanity. And so, in our
individual lives as we work through the Aquarius, Capricorn and Pisces archetypes will we choose to evolve
or devolve those energies?
If we happen to choose devolution because we were having a ‘human moment’ of perhaps anger, guilt or
coldness, remember the ‘three-step Pluto in Capricorn recovery program’: Acknowledge the issue, work
through it and move on. Take care not to get stuck and watch you don’t move on too quickly. The real
challenge is to master our choices. We are human and we make mistakes. We might consciously or
unconsciously choose to devolve in any given moment, but in the next we can choose again. Saturn in Libra
reminds us that the choice to evolve is always there.
© Michelle Proctor 2008 0411 264 753 p. 8
 VIRGO 2009
URANUS brings exciting relationship developments
Your hidden passions and talents are revealed by PLUTO
JUPITER & NEPTUNE inspire you beyond the daily grind
The Big Picture
Virgo, 2009 is the year to be liberated from past patterns. It’s time to direct your lifestyle more fully towards
deep satisfaction and pleasure. Serious Saturn has been in your sign since late 2007, increasing the pressure
to ‘do the right thing’. Yet you can now break free of conventional ideas of what’s best and use Saturn’s
strength to advance what’s right by your values, not others’.
Saturn doesn’t leave Virgo until the end of October, indicating that ongoing patience and effort is required
until then. Yet Saturn is only in your sign once every 28 years, so make the most of Saturn’s last 8 months in
Virgo to bring your most life-affirming goals to fruition. If you’re feeling repeatedly frustrated and restricted,
Saturn is most likely blocking you from wasting time on what’s not in your best interests.
It’s not unusual for you as a Virgo to attract workmates, friends or lovers who are idealistic or impractical.
An old pattern for Virgos is helping others get over their chaos by doing the hard work for them. Yet since
2007 Saturn has been prodding you to take responsibility for yourself first and foremost and to set yourself
free from bailing others out.
This year, ground-breaking Uranus is in your relationship sector urging you to cut loose from relationships
that are too burdensome. The kinds of relationships that currently work for you are those that allow ample
space to find yourself in ways you never have before. You might become attracted to some odd types
(according to your old standards) but they inspire and activate new ideals.
Watch however that you don’t completely reject, or rebel against, the old. This is a year of integrating both
old and new. February and September are the months you are most affected by this push-pull between past
and future. Those of you born between 11 and 17 September particularly feel the tension. Yet it’s a
background theme for all Virgos all year.
Asteroid Juno*, the marriage goddess, is in your love sectors much of the year encouraging exciting new
partnerships and even bringing wedding bells. Yet remember to keep some independence so that you can
explore your personal creativity. Finding ways to blend independence with commitment is the key.
Powerful Pluto insists upon facing any suppressed life passions. This might feel awful at first, but Pluto will
give you the courage to face feelings of lost opportunity and move on. Perhaps you’ve been so focused on
work or family, you haven’t freed up enough time to pursue your dreams. Whatever the case, know that
Jupiter and Neptune bring lucky breaks this year and inspire you to explore beyond the daily grind and your
duties to others.
At first you might try to add more into your life without letting anything go. Yet it’s important to strike some
tasks off your ‘to-do-list’ or your health might suffer. You are most susceptible to overstretching in May,
July and December when Jupiter and Neptune are strongest. Those of you born between 16 and 19
September will particularly need to watch this pattern.
Ruler: Mercury
Natural Qualities
Efficient, meticulous, centred,
focused, holistic, ‘in-the-moment’,
organised, problem-solving, mindful,
discerning, astute, health & fitness
aware, body conscious, hygienic,
service-oriented, helpful, selfimproving
Fault-finding, detail-obsessed,
perfectionist, overly critical, anxious,
© Michelle Proctor 2008 0411 264 753 p. 9
Your regular schedule gets shaken by the eclipses in January, February and August. At these times, health
upsets or work stresses might prod you towards discovering improved holistic approaches to your lifestyle.
The North Node and Chiron are in your wellbeing sector all year helping you get the right mix of diet,
exercise, work and play. The eclipses, as well as the North Node, might also bring longed-for turning points
and propel you in remarkable new directions.
Hot Topics
Wealth & stability
On April 10 a Full Moon nudges you to assess your income or debt levels. From August 5 to October 14
dwarf planet Ceres* recommends budgeting for all financial seasons, from ‘summer’ abundance to lean
‘winter’ periods. From August 26 to September 18, your ruler Mercury travels alongside Ceres emphasising
seeking assistance with improved financial planning. From September 7 to 29, Mercury is retrograde, so it’s
not an opportune time to sign contracts or make big purchases. It’s best to wait until Mercury returns to your
financial sector between October 10 and 28. From September 23 to October 23 the Sun brings financial gains
as well as the confidence to ask for your needs to be met (e.g. a salary increase). From October 4 to
December 12 asteroid Pallas Athene* encourages you to improve your financial negotiations skills. If you
are experiencing financial disputes, a kind impartial mediator is helpful now. From October 15 to November
8 Venus links you with the right people through your social channels for income-earning benefits. Yet watch
you don’t over-spend during her visit. The New Moon on October 18 starts a fresh financial phase. This is
closely followed by Saturn’s arrival in your financial sector on October 30 until the year’s end. You might
take on an increased financial commitment (e.g. a bank loan) or you might experience a financial downturn
that has you realistically assessing achievable goals.
Home & family
A Full Moon on June 8 stimulates a desire for fun and adventure with loved ones. It might also provoke an
argument over different beliefs or values. For some of you, it indicates itchy feet and the desire to get away
from home. If you live in share housing, there could be a switch of housemates at this time, or if you live at
home, you might move out. Some of you become inspired to buy real estate at this time. From November 16
to December 6 Mercury sees a lot of communication or movement in your home environment. There’s
activity relating to contracts and living arrangements, including discussions with estate agents. From
November 22 to December 22 the Sun brings a positive vibe to home situations. You might even have a
lucky property find. Venus encourages lots of social time at home from December 2 to 26, reminding you of
the pleasures of playing host. Alternatively you might receive warm hospitality from other loved ones.
Throughout November and December the chances of guests staying or being accommodated at someone’s
place are high. A New Moon on December 16 offers a fresh start with housing or family circumstances.
Dwarf planet Ceres arrives in your home and family sector shortly afterwards on December 22 offering a
nurturing touch. With her around, you become active in the garden or get keen on farmers’ markets. Ceres
promotes abundance but also sustainability.
Love & relationships
Asteroid Juno, the goddess of marriage and commitment, is in your love sectors from April 6 to the end of
the year, yet Uranus, the planet of change and independence, is also in one of your relationship sectors all
year. Ensure relationship commitments have room for individuality and freedom built in. From January 3 to
June 6, love goddess Venus graces your relationship sectors, helping you access your inner charm and
magnetism, plus enjoy some sensuality and indulgence. From 7 March to 18 April, Venus travels Retro,
possibly bringing on a hermit phase, or drawing old friends or flames back into your life. From February 18
to April 20 the Sun offers a spark of romance. Similarly, two New Moons early in the year (February 25 and
March 27) see the start of new friendships, business connections or romances. From March 9 to April 10
Mercury reminds you that communication is often the key to good relationships. Take the opportunity now to
© Michelle Proctor 2008 0411 264 753 p. 10
try an assertiveness or negotiation skills course if needed. Mars brings differences of opinion between March
15 and June 1 requiring patience and negotiation strategies. Mars also brings passion in general, plus
relationship opportunities. The Full Moons on September 5 and October 4 give clear indications of where
relationships are headed. Use the clarity you gain at those times to take you to the next level in relationships.
Health & Fitness
All year Neptune and Chiron advise regular rest and illness prevention. If you have a particular health
weakness, this is not the year to ignore it. The Nodes* are active from the start of the year until August 22,
indicating that past lives or inherited genetic influences might be expressing through health difficulties. The
Solar Eclipse on January 26 plus the Lunar Eclipse on February 10 bring insight to health issues. January and
February are good for medical check-ups when Mercury and the Sun travel through your health sector (yet
from January 12 to February 1 mix-ups and delays with results are possible due to Mercury Retro). Jupiter,
the planet of abundance, is active from January 6 to the end of the year. Watch you don’t drink to excess and
take care of weight gain, yet it’s a great year for liver cleansing. Jupiter also brings tempting lifestyle
opportunities so watch you don’t take on too much and trigger stress reactions. Between January and March
asteroid Juno and Mars also bring reminders not to overload yourself, especially with others’ demands. A
Lunar Eclipse on August 6 as well as a New Moon on August 20 bring clarity to health circumstances. In the
second half of the year, a number of asteroids and planets in your retreat sector emphasise rest, meditation,
deep relaxation or dream journalling. From October, Mars and Black Moon Lilith* caution against old
injuries or being accident prone. Asteroid Hygiea*, the goddess of health and wellbeing, is active from
August 26. Her wisdom combined with Chiron’s offer excellent opportunities for healing.
Travel & Holidays
Between January 1 and April 11 asteroid Vesta helps you discern what ‘travel’ means to you. For example, is
it a holiday, studying calligraphy or volunteering on an archeological dig? Between January 1 and February 5
both Mars and marriage goddess Juno activate your pleasure sector bringing adventure through romance. A
New Moon on April 25 lays the foundations for a new pursuit whether it’s a trip overseas or taking time off
to renovate your home. Mercury and the Sun offer good travel opportunities between April 10 and June 14.
Yet do watch for delays or hitches with arrangements between May 7 and 31 when Mercury is Retro. Other
good times for holidays, adventure or travel are from June 1 to July 12 when Mars peps you up, and from
June 6 to July 5 when Venus increases the enjoyment factor. A Lunar Eclipse on July 7 inspires you to tap
into a previously unexplored hobby. This might be something you’ve been scared to do but have secretly
wondered about. Whether it’s pole dancing or bungee jumping, studying naturopathy or gazing through
telescopes, the Eclipse eggs you on. From August 22 the North Node pushes you to overcome fears so that
by the end of the year you are revelling in your newfound adventure. Venus, the Sun and Mercury all bring
their positive energy for holidays or creative pursuits in December, and the Full Moon on November 3 helps
you celebrate your courage in going beyond your comfort zone this year.
Work & Career
The year begins with asteroid Pallas Athene bringing improved decision-making capabilities to career
concerns between January 1 and April 7. Athene is also a helpful ally for those who work with strategic
planning (e.g. human resources, management, administration, commerce or law). With so much activity in
your time management sector this year, Athene advises using techniques that help keep you objective and
focused (e.g. yoga, meditation). Asteroid Hygiea is in your career sector from January 1 to May 28 aiding
those of you who work in health or caring professions, whether traditional or alternative. Yet watch you’re
not overworking. If you’re feeling clueless about career direction, asteroid Vesta helps you find your flame
between April 11 and June 21. Between May 1 and June 21 Mercury and the Sun bring much activity and
acknowledgement in your work. It could be a busy time, but very satisfying. Yet do watch for Mercury’s
Retro phase from May 7 to 31 as this might throw a spanner in the works with communication mishaps or
arrangements being foiled. A New Moon on May 25 brings a fresh start or a new perspective to career
advancement. From July 5 to August 26, Venus and Mars foster positive networks and help you campaign
for a promotion or appropriate recognition. A Full Moon on December 2 offers an insight that influences
your career direction.
© Michelle Proctor 2008 0411 264 753 p. 11
+ Helpful influence ~ Stay alert ! Challenging influence
Time to assess your lifestyle and sort
what’s working from what’s not.
~1/1, Saturn Retro in Virgo
The year begins with Saturn going
Retro in your zodiac sign. Virgo’s
greatest gift is the ability to sort
what’s valuable from what’s not.
This year your power of discernment
goes from strength to strength.
~6/1 to year’s end, Jupiter into
From now until the end of the year,
Jupiter brings great potential to
advance your health for long-term
benefit. Yet sometimes Jupiter brings
weight gain or flares up health issues.
If this is the case, know that Jupiter
also offers solutions. Jupiter also
brings luck with new exciting
!12/1, Mercury Retro in Aquarius
Your ruler, Mercury, heads
backwards revealing any imbalance
in your fitness or nutrition routine, or
the way you manage your time.
~12/1, Dwarf Planet Ceres Retro in
It’s important now to discern what
really supports you in life. The time
is ripe to find a nurturing therapist,
doctor, teacher or mentor.
~26/1, Aquarius Solar Eclipse
An eclipse in your health and
wellbeing sector offers solutions to
body issues or over-stretched
Moon news
14th to 16th, Moon in Virgo
February brings insights and
breakthroughs, yet the energy is
changeable. Avoid resistance in
order to flow with the cosmic current.
+1/2, Mercury Direct
Your ruler moves forward in
compatible earth sign Capricorn
helping you see what paths to take
with hobbies, fun and romance.
~5/2, Saturn & Uranus 2nd contact
Back in November 2008, Saturn
(keeper of the old) and Uranus
(bringer or the new) pushed you to
explore innovative people or
interesting friendships without
sacrificing your values. The
adventure of allowing unique people
into your life now accelerates.
~ 15/2 Mercury into Aquarius
Your ruler, Mercury, offers clarity
regarding lifestyle, time
management, fitness and health.
~10/2, Leo Lunar Eclipse
This eclipse has rich creative
potential. Take time out to explore
your dreams and passions.
Moon news
10th to 12th, Moon in Virgo
Relationships with friends, children,
parents, bosses, business associates
or intimate others are highlighted.
~7/3, Venus Retro in Aries
The love goddess is Retro in your
love sector, bringing many
possibilities for a sensual time. Her
focus is on intimate others. An old
flame might walk back into your life
at this time surprising you with
unfinished business. Venus advises
completing relationships that don’t fit
with your current values and needs. If
you’re partnered up, enjoy the
pleasures of deepening your
intimacy. If single, treat yourself to
some pampering. It’s time to
luxuriate a little, especially through
honouring and loving your body.
+9 -26/3 Mercury in Pisces
With your ruler in your relationship
sector, March is a busy networking
month. Invitations are flowing, fun is
had and ideas are rampant. Enjoy
stimulating conversations and new
philosophies. If Venus Retro has you
feeling hermit-like, you can still
make the most of this positive
Mercury phase by reading, writing,
chatting on the phone, surfing the net
or watching movies. It’s a time to be
energised by new ideas or immersed
in soulful creative thoughts,
meditations or visualisations.
Moon news
10th to 12th, Moon in Virgo
11th, Annual Full Moon in Virgo
© Michelle Proctor 2008 0411 264 753 p. 12
+ Helpful influence ~ Stay alert ! Challenging influence
Relationships and health remain in
focus throughout April.
~11/4, Venus Retro into Pisces
The love goddess now moves into
your general relationship sector
where she helps you solve difficulties
with idealistic or impractical family,
friends or business associates. She
helps you peacefully assert
boundaries that create harmonious
+13/4, Dwarf Planet Ceres Direct
Earth goddess Ceres has you moving
forward with new health and
wellbeing plans. She especially helps
with diet and nutrition. To tap into
her wisdom seek out health
practitioners, books or community
resources that offer reputable, up-todate
+18/4, Venus Direct in Pisces
It’s now easier to enjoy friendships
without feeling as if you have to help
~24/4 – 6/6, Venus back into Aries
The love goddess Venus is back in
your intimate relationship sector from
now until early June. Enjoy the
sensual pleasures of love, romance or
getting into your feminine side. If
you’re more of a masculine than
feminine-type dip into some goddess
self-loving books or magazines.
Moon news
6th to 8th, Moon in Virgo
With your ruler making many moves,
May is not the month to rest on your
!7/5, Mercury Retro
Your Retro ruler draws career
matters to your attention.
!14/5, Mercury into Taurus
Look for the deeper meaning behind
any difficulties and watch you don’t
jump to conclusions over other
people’s intentions or beliefs.
~31/5, Mercury Direct in Taurus
It’s easier to move forward now with
plans for fun, travel or adventures.
~17/5, Saturn Direct in Virgo
The intensity of the inner searching
for your true values, goals and
identity, eases up somewhat. Saturn
now helps you put plans into action.
~28/5, Jupiter & Neptune, 1st contact
Positive life improvements are
possible with these two in your health
and lifestyle sector but be discerning.
Many openings are presented, some
positive, others not. Watch you don’t
jump into using a health remedy or
taking up a money-making venture
without checking all the facts.
~29/5 - 5/11, Neptune Retro
Neptune aids accessing the depths of
the inner self, bringing beneficial
Moon news
3rd to 5th, Moon in Virgo
Also 30th to 31st
31st, Annual Waning Quarter
Moon in Virgo
June brings space for rest and
reflection. Venus especially
encourages a good dose of leisure
and pleasure.
+6/6 - 5/7, Venus into Taurus
The love goddess moves into your
adventure sector, facilitating many
enjoyable travel pursuits. Why not try
a weekend away, a trip to a gallery or
some time out in nature. It’s also a
great time to throw a dinner party.
~14/6-4/7, Mercury into Gemini
With your ruler in your career sector,
your efficiency increases and you
make good progress. Reach out to
others for support if you need it –
they’re there for you.
~15/6-13/10, Jupiter Retro
The planet of good fortune heads
backwards for the next few months.
It’s beneficial now to assess the
opportunities that have presented
themselves this year. Jupiter
genuinely wants to make life better
for you. If you’re not happy with the
opportunities that have come your
way so far, start researching better
options and give the cosmos new
directions. Under Jupiter’s influence,
it’s a case of ‘ask and you shall
Moon news
1st to 2nd, Moon in Virgo
Also 27th to 29th
© Michelle Proctor 2008 0411 264 753 p. 13
+ Helpful influence ~ Stay alert ! Challenging influence
The winds of change circulate in July
through two eclipses and a major
planetary alignment.
~7/7, Capricorn Lunar Eclipse
Under this eclipse a love affair could
start or end, a pregnancy might be
announced, or you have a change of
focus with your creative projects.
~10/7, Jupiter & Neptune 2nd contact
A health issue might worsen or
improve, yet things are not
necessarily what they seem. Watch
you don’t get talked into miracle
cures, but do ride this energy to fuel
optimism and hope. It’s possible now
to have insights or intuitive
understandings that lead you to the
right people and places.
~22/7, Cancer Total Solar Eclipse
Your group of friends or a
community that you’re involved with
undergoes change. You might even
choose to walk away from
connections that no longer work for
you and seek those who are more
Moon news
24th to 26th, Moon in Virgo
Much cosmic energy is focused on
your zodiac sign in August. Change
continues but it’s easier to see what’s
+3/8-26/8 Mercury in Virgo
Your ruler is in your zodiac sign
bringing clarity and focus to your
decision-making and communication.
You are easily heard and understood,
helping you move forward with
+3/8 – 4/10 Pallas Athene in Virgo
It’s time to keep the big picture in
mind and negotiate successfully with
others for your needs to be met.
!6/8, Aquarius Lunar Eclipse
Clarity is yours regarding a health,
wellbeing or time management issue,
yet things might be a bit shaky while
adapting to what you discover.
Alternatively you feel liberated from
previously difficult circumstances.
~22/8, Nodes into Capricorn &
The karmic axis of destiny takes its
focus off your health and now moves
onto your passions. It’s time to let go
of what holds you back. You are
coming to a deeper understanding of
what your soul-self wants to achieve
in this lifetime and the Nodes urge
you to pursue it.
+23/8-23/9 Sun in Virgo
Happy birthday Virgo! Let yourself
be acknowledged and appreciated by
family and friends.
Moon news
21st to 23rd, Moon in Virgo
The celebratory birthday energy
continues with the Sun, Venus and
Mercury in your sign, yet take care
during your ruler’s Retro phase.
!7-29/9, Mercury Retro
Your ruler travels Retro in your
money sector asking you to attend to
unfinished business. It’s not the best
time for big purchases or
investments. Check all fine print
~15/9, Saturn & Uranus 3rd contact
These two continue activating your
‘self versus others’ sectors, leading to
possible relationship tensions. Watch
you’re not too rigid about how
relationships ‘should’ work. Yet also
don’t override your own values.
Persist with finding ways for freedom
within commitment. Also use this
time to discover new facets of
yourself through some of the unusual
people or ideas that you encounter.
~18/9, Mercury Retro into Virgo
Mercury makes a dash back into your
sign, supporting you to value
yourself. Take time to check
everyone has understood any
+20/9 – 15/10 Venus in Virgo
The goddess of love is in your sign,
bringing harmony and romantic
opportunities. Past relationship
tensions can now be smoothed with
her graceful, balancing influence.
+29/9, Mercury Direct in Virgo
Things flow smoothly with your ruler
moving forward in your sign.
Moon news
17th to 19th, Moon in Virgo
19th, Annual New Moon in Virgo
© Michelle Proctor 2008 0411 264 753 p. 14
+ Helpful influence ~ Stay alert ! Challenging influence
Venus and Mercury remain in your
sign until mid-month boosting your
confidence and wellbeing. In the
second half of October financial
matters are highlighted.
!1/10, Black Moon Lilith into
Frustrations with health or lifestyle
difficulties rise to the surface. Watch
you don’t bite someone’s head off
but do make a stand for better
~10/10, Mercury into Libra
Until the 10th, your ruler is in your
sign giving you the gifts of efficiency
and persuasion. From the 10th, the
focus shifts back to the money
matters that took your attention in
September. Progress is possible now.
~13/10 to end year, Jupiter Direct
The good luck planet moves forward
bringing fortunate conditions in the
next few months for your health and
lifestyle circumstances.
~15/10 Venus into Libra
Venus continues bringing peace and
harmony in your zodiac sign until the
15th. After that she helps sort out
money matters.
~30/10, Saturn into Libra
After two years in your zodiac sign,
strengthening your identity, values
and life goals, Saturn now moves into
your financial sector. It’s time to get
money matters sorted so that you can
make your dreams real.
Moon news
14th to 16th, Moon in Virgo
Asteroid Vesta visits your sign for an
extended stay. Her beneficial
influence works quietly in the
background. With Saturn now out of
your sign and Vesta in it, a weight
~5/11, Neptune Direct
This planet of ideals, spirituality and
dreams comes out its Retro phase
since May. From now on you’ll have
a clearer sense of where you’re
headed with some of your most
cherished hopes and wishes.
16/11, Saturn squares Pluto, 1st
This is the first of three contacts – the
next two are in February and August
next year. When Saturn and Pluto are
in conflict, things can feel rugged.
The areas of your life that this affects
are finances and hobbies. Saturn
wants you to commit to your future
security (e.g. savings fund, buying
property) whereas Pluto wants you to
explore the creative desires that
you’ve been discovering more about
this year. The challenge is to find a
way to fund your creative or leisure
activities without being too
extravagant. Pluto will insist that you
don’t sacrifice creativity for stability.
+20/11 to end year, Vesta in Virgo
Beautiful Vesta is in your sign,
boosting your self-assurance. Soon
others will begin to notice your quiet
confidence and poise.
Moon news
11th to 13th, Moon in Virgo
The year ends with a need for rest
and retreat, especially later in the
month when your ruler goes Retro
~21/12, Mars Retro in Leo
Your inner self is more interested in
intuitive adventures than summer
parties. Your energy levels might dip
as your soul encourages rest. You
might like to use this powerful time
to make gifts for friends and family
that honour special memories from
the past. Or perhaps play around with
pastels, paints, oracle cards, soulful
music, a dream journal and so on.
~21/12, Jupiter & Neptune, final
The health and lifestyle confusions
that have plagued you this year either
reach a head or begin to clear. If you
have been giving out too much to
others, you now understand the
impact on your health. If you’ve been
seeking miracle solutions, you now
ease into more realistic approaches.
The cosmos is bringing many
solutions your way, as long as you
honour your personal limits. If
you’ve been too practical and
sensible, you have a final chance now
to let yourself fly.
~27/12, Mercury Retro
Your ruler ends the year by going
Retro, emphasising the importance of
retreat. Your creative self is bursting
to be expressed. Claim some space to
explore your special personal
Moon news
8th to 10th, Moon in Virgo
9th, Annual Waxing Quarter Moon
in Virgo
© Michelle Proctor 2008 0411 264 753 p. 15
Understanding Your Sun Sign (Star Sign) Forecast
By Michelle Proctor
This article covers a range of questions often asked about Sun sign forecasts, including the following:
o How accurate are they?
o What are the asteroid goddesses?
o What effect do Juno, Ceres & Lilith have?
o What’s all the fuss about Saturn?
o What’s the difference between a planet and a zodiac sign?
o What are Moon signs & are these forecasts relevant to them?
o Are these forecasts relevant to my Rising Sign?
o How does the Moon affect my Sun sign each month?
o What are the New Moon, Quarter Moons & Full Moon?
o What’s the difference between fate and freewill?
If you’re keen to know more about any of the above topics, read on.
What exactly is a Sun sign?
The terms ‘Star sign’ and ‘Sun sign’ describe the same thing and are used interchangeably. I prefer to use
‘Sun sign’ because it gets across the idea that your Sun sign is the zodiac sign that the Sun was observed to
be in at the time you were born. It’s not the zodiac sign itself. If you could’ve looked up into the sky at the
time you were born and seen the zodiac signs up there, then you would’ve been able to tell what zodiac sign
the Sun was in. If you were born at night, you would’ve had to look beneath the horizon.
It’s of course impossible to visually look in this way. For one thing, there aren’t zodiac signs painted up in
the sky. We have the constellations to guide us but during the day we can’t see them. And zodiac signs really
are just energy zones anyway, calculated mathematically by astronomers & astrologers of the past. In actual
fact, these energy zones (zodiac signs) don’t properly fit the constellations. Some constellations are large,
others are small, but the zodiac signs are all the same size calculated with mathematical constancy.
What’s the difference between a Sun sign forecast and an individual reading?
A yearly astrology forecast really has two layers. One is the big picture context that Sun signs offer, and
which you can find out about by reading in a general forecast such as this one. The other is the individual,
personalised layer that a professional astrologer can provide. The two go hand in hand. Both are important.
Sun sign forecasts came to prominence in the 1930s as a way of easily communicating astrology to the
public through the media. Sun sign forecasts are valid and insightful, yet they cannot take into account all the
nuances of an individual’s life. When astrologers have personal consultations with clients, we use a birth
chart, specifically calculated for the individual.
Your Sun sign forecast will show you the major highlights and lowlights for the year, plus the big themes
and life issues that are most likely to take up your attention. Sun sign forecasts are like large brush strokes in
a painting, whereas individual birth charts supply the details. The forecasts in the following pages offer many
useful details but keep in mind the details are about 2009’s major themes.
Consider this - a Sun sign forecast is similar to the props and setting of a theatre production. Whether you
like it or not, you’ll need to act out your play in that setting this year. On the other hand, your individual birth
chart shows all the characters in the play. A personal reading with a professional astrologer can show what
will happen to those ‘characters’ throughout the year. In contrast, Sun sign forecasts show what will happen
to the props and setting. They show how many scene changes there are and whether the scenes in which your
play (individual birth chart) unfolds will be supportive and pleasant or difficult and challenging.
© Michelle Proctor 2008 0411 264 753 p. 16
How accurate are Sun sign forecasts?
The Sun sign forecasts on the following pages are accurate for the big picture. You’ll be able to check in at
the end of each month to see whether the themes and highlight dates were accurate for the month gone by. If
you find that the accuracy is not quite right there are usually two reasons:
1. You might be having a particularly unique year with your individual chart that overrides the big
picture of a Sun sign forecast. This would be similar to getting so entranced with the characters in a
play that you don’t notice the background setting at all. In this case, you’d be best to see a
professional astrologer for a personal reading.
2. You might be reading the wrong Sun sign. It’s not true that some people are a blend of two Sun signs
(e.g. half Aries and half Taurus if born on that cusp). You are either one Sun sign or another. (If you
feel like you are a blend of both, that’ll be due to something else in your individual chart, not the Sun
sign.) If you were born on a cusp, you might like to read both Sun sign forecasts and see which one
most resonates. Yet it’s best to find out what your Sun sign is by getting your chart printed by an
astrologer for a small fee, or by going to a free astrology website to find out for yourself. A
professional free astrology website that I’d recommend is It’s so easy these days to
properly find out your Sun sign. Remember you will only be one or the other.
What influences my horoscope other than the Sun sign?
There’s a whole cosmos out there, which means there are many more cosmic influences in your birth chart
than just the Sun. There are also the zodiac signs that the Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars were in at the
time of your birth, plus Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Yet astrologers do consider the Sun and
Moon signs to be two of the three most important energies in a birth chart. The third is the Rising sign. If
you’re unsure of your time of birth, you’d need a professional astrologer to work this out for you. But if you
do know your time of birth, once again I’d recommend a visit to to find out your Rising sign.
In addition to the planets that we all know, there are other important chart influences. Since Pluto got
demoted, and Ceres got promoted, to dwarf planet status in 2006, I always use at least Ceres in clients’ birth
charts, but also love to put in the asteroids Pallas Athene, Juno, Vesta & Hygeia. They offer useful
information on feminine archetypes in an astrology reading (otherwise, the only two feminine planets are the
Moon and Venus). Then there are also the Centaurs – Chiron, Pholus and Nessus. Many astrologers who
work as healers wouldn’t think of doing a chart without Chiron in it. And still the list goes on. We are only
limited by the number of stars in the cosmos. Each astrologer draws a line in the sand and decides which
extras to include - this avoids chart readings taking a week instead of an hour!
Why are the asteroids used in the Sun sign forecasts?
As mentioned above, the asteroids provide much more information on the feminine archetypes than just the
Sun and Moon. Because Western astrology grew in strength back in ancient Greek times when the feminine
had lost its power, nearly all of the planets are named after male gods. But in 1801 when the first asteroid
Ceres was discovered, awareness was developing over women’s rights, so that this first asteroid got a female
goddess’s name – Ceres. And Ceres is no less than Mother Earth herself. The next asteroids to be discovered
also received goddess names. Some of the most commonly used asteroid goddesses are Pallas Athene, Juno,
Vesta and Hygiea, and they’re the ones I use in the forecasts.
When doing clients’ charts I’ve noticed that Juno, goddess of marriage, aligns in significant ways when the
issue of relationship commitment is strong. She’s present when marriage decisions are being made but also
when someone in a couple needs to regain equal footing in relationship power dynamics. Pallas Athene tends
to show up when negotiation and strategy are needed, but not Venus’s eyelash-fluttering and coy looks.
Athene is the goddess of war strategy and justice. She’s very useful in helping both men and women stand up
for themselves by being firm but also diplomatic. Hygiea is the great goddess of healing and shows up when
health issues or imbalances need addressing. Vesta is the beautiful goddess of the flame. She keeps our
passions alive and brings warmth and tenderness to anyone who feels as if their spirit is about to break.
© Michelle Proctor 2008 0411 264 753 p. 17
What about Dwarf Planet Ceres?
When Ceres was first discovered in 1801 she was labelled an asteroid, but in 2006 got promoted to dwarf
planet status. This happened at the same time that Pluto was demoted by astronomers from being a planet to
a dwarf planet.
The synchronicity of this is fascinating for astrologers because in Greek mythology Ceres and Pluto are each
others’ enemies. Pluto stole Ceres’ daughter from her and took her to his realm, the Underworld, where he
raped her and claimed her as his own. Ceres was heartbroken and rageful. As Mother Earth she cared for all
of nature, but when her daughter was stolen she sent the earth into winter until Pluto gave her daughter back.
Ceres often shows up when mother-daughter issues need addressing, or problems with nutrition and diet. It’s
not uncommon for Ceres to indicate food issues, including eating disorders. Often there are connections
between eating disorders and themes of rape or abuse. As the great earth goddess, Ceres’ main focus is to
show how we can nourish and support ourselves in practical ways. This goes beyond our lives as individuals
and is significant to the wellbeing of the entire planet.
Prior to 2006 Pluto was seen as a planet – i.e. more important than ‘little’ Ceres the asteroid. In a way this
shows how in our collective experience it’s been the norm to take from Mother Earth and ‘rape’ her creations
(her daughter). But now that Pluto is seen in the same light as Ceres (i.e. both are now labelled dwarf
planets) there’s far greater chance that the pattern of abusing the earth’s resources will be redressed.
What is the relevance of Black Moon Lilith?
Although not an asteroid, astrologers often include Lilith in charts where they also include asteroids. The
Black Moon is the place where the Moon is at its farthest away from Earth in its orbit. The goddess Lilith has
been associated with this point, hence the term ‘Black Moon Lilith’.
Lilith is none less than the first woman created. We often think of Eve as the first woman, but in actual fact,
Lilith was created first as an equal to Adam. Yet when Adam was forceful and demanded that she be
submissive to him, Lilith refused to bend to his will and flew off in a rage into the far regions of the cosmos.
Eve was then created from Adam’s rib as a submissive companion.
It’s said that Lilith returned to the Garden of Eden as the serpent that tempted Eve to eat the apple from the
Tree of Knowledge. This is a potent image of the power of the feminine returning. After eating the apple,
Eve knew she did not have to be submissive to Adam. Lilith is the champion of feminism. She has returned
from exile to remind us all of the power of the feminine as an equal beneficial counterpart to the masculine,
not as its submissive companion. Black Moon Lilith therefore often aligns significantly in charts when power
needs to be reclaimed.
Do planets and zodiac signs have separate meanings?
Planets get paired with zodiac signs that have similar meanings, but they are not one and the same in their
meanings. For example, certain planets are said to rule particular zodiac signs. Take Uranus and Aquarius -
these two have a lot in common so Uranus rules Aquarius, but they also have their differences both in
meaning and function.
Astrologers apply meaning to each of the planets, plus the Sun and Moon. Dwarf planets, asteroids, Centaurs
and so on are also assigned meanings. Each symbolises a particular aspect of the human experience, known
as an archetype. Meaning is also applied to the zodiac signs, which, like the planets, express particular
Astrologers then mix and match the archetypes like an artist blending paints to get more and more versions
of a colour. So if, for example, we blend Mars with the zodiac sign of Cancer we get one shade of colour. If
we mix up Mars with the zodiac sign Leo, we get a different shade. Astrology really is a kaleidoscope of
archetype blends. This makes for a multiplicity of meaning.
Remember that Sun sign astrology represents the broad brush strokes, so with Sun sign astrology we get 12
colours (the Sun multiplied by the 12 zodiac signs), but if we were to do the mix and match in your own
© Michelle Proctor 2008 0411 264 753 p. 18
chart, there might be over 100 colours to choose from. For example, when I do a birth chart I use the Sun, the
Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Ceres, Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto (that’s 12) and
when mixed with the 12 zodiac signs, we end up with 144 possible combinations (12 x12 = 144). As you can
see, there’s a lot of detail in a birth chart. This is part of what makes astrology so complex and exciting.
Are these forecasts also relevant for Moon signs?
These forecasts are written for the Sun in each zodiac sign, not for the zodiac sign itself. For example, the
Gemini section is not written for the zodiac sign Gemini, it is written for those born with the Sun in Gemini.
A zodiac sign is just a slice of the cosmos that we are able to experience when the Sun, the Moon or
something else enters it.
The Moon has a different meaning to the Sun so these forecasts were not written for Moon signs. The
forecast also weren’t written for your Mercury, Venus or Mars etc zodiac signs, even if they are in the same
zodiac sign as your Sun. There might be some crossovers in meaning, so it’s not a lost cause to read those
zodiac signs, but it may not be as accurate. However if you do know your Rising sign, that’s more likely to
be accurate because the Rising sign has similar qualities to the Sun.
What is so special about the Sun?
The reason why astrologers write about the Sun sign is that the Sun represents our centre, our core, our
essence. The Sun is about how we evolve and achieve life success. It represents our urge to radiate
externally. If you think of the solar system, the Sun is the central fire. Without its solar rays, life on Earth
would not exist. It’s the same with the astrological Sun – it gives off our central life force. It shows our
passion and reason to live. When our inner Sun is supported by life events, we are easily able to follow our
path and feel fuelled with purpose. When our inner Sun feels challenged or not supported, it’s more difficult
to feel confident and shine. So when you are reading your Sun sign forecast you are really discovering how
easy or hard it will be for you to shine in 2009.
Handling both the highlights & lowlights in the forecasts
When supported by life, it’s relatively easy to express our Sun sign’s positive qualities. But when the chips
are down, we run the risk of falling into stuck behavior. One of the benefits of knowing the cosmic energies
in advance is that when the weather is looking grim we can do our best to be prepared. There’s much less
chance then of falling into negative patterns. And what’s more, when the weather is looking great we know
we can relax and easily allow our positive attributes to shine without fearing unwanted foibles will pop out.
Just because one month might stand out as looking more difficult than another, it doesn’t mean you need to
maroon yourself on a deserted island. In the same way that the sun sets at the end of each day bringing us
darkness, so too there are months that are darker than others. All we need to do is turn on the lights and enjoy
the night life. Astrology shows us what lights are available to turn on. But it’s up to you to turn on the lights.
And just because some months look like a breeze, don’t go getting complacent – it can still rain in summer.
Yet generally speaking you’d expect good weather in ‘summer’ and can look forward to relaxing a little.
Fate versus freewill
As an astrologer, I’m often asked whether there is any free will involved in our lives or if everything is
determined by fate. I’m a firm believer in free will. I’ve used my free will many times, and have watched
clients do the same, to help avoid the pitfalls of succumbing to what feels like fate. To my way of thinking,
fate is all the things we seem to have little control over, for example:
o Genetics – you can’t change how tall you are or whether your hair is naturally curly or straight.
That’s fate. But you can make choices about those things. For example, you can wear high heels or
low heels, or you can get your hair chemically straightened or permed. That’s free will.
o Early life circumstances – you can’t change what country you were born in, what kinds of
parents you had or what socio-economic circumstances etc you experienced in your early life. It
wasn’t until you grew experienced enough to make life choices for yourself that you could assert
some free will.
© Michelle Proctor 2008 0411 264 753 p. 19
o Bio-chemical patterning – you can’t help that your bio-chemistry and mind-body-spirit
connections developed in a certain way due to your early life circumstances. That’s all part of being
human. Yet you can find ways to manage and often even change some of the behaviours, illnesses or
attitudes that have developed as a result of your early years and that you might otherwise
automatically fall into.
o Unfinished business from the past – you can’t help what’s in your ancestral line. For example,
a grandmother might’ve had academic potential and longed to go to university but never got to. You
might also long to go to university but still be carrying the cellular memory of your grandmother’s
difficulties. Perhaps your grandmother thought she had no right to such a ‘luxury’ or that she was
‘stupid’, and you find yourself blocked by such thoughts too. It might be your fate to feel passionate
yet stuck about going to university, whereas your free will allows you to choose whether to take on
the challenge of transforming the limiting beliefs into helpful ones.
o Unconscious soul choices – you can’t change that you have remnants of choices made in past
or parallel lives that your soul still carries for completion. Yet you can foster an awareness of
repeated unconscious behaviours, urges or patterns that seem to indicate a deeper soul plan. You can
then begin to apply free will to tie up the loose ends of karmic residue.
Those are just a few examples of how we can often feel as if we are ‘victims of fate’. Certainly fate plays a
role but the more awareness and tools for change that we bring to our circumstances, the more we are able to
use free will effectively.
Saturn and fate
Saturn is known as the planet of fate and, no wonder, because Saturn represents the archetype of time. When
you think about it, time is very connected to fate. We tend to go into automatic pilot when life speeds up
because there is little time to make considered choices. Snap decisions increase the likelihood of playing out
our fate. That’s when we are most likely to go with the line of least resistance, which is usually old biochemical
patterning that keeps us repeating the past.
Astrology helps us stay alert so that we can see when we are likely to allow our weaknesses, not our
strengths, to run our lives. We’ll be aware that at those times, it’ll be important to apply more effort than
usual to assert free will. Astrology can also show us when it’ll be okay to relax because there’ll be more time
and space to reflect before making choices. During those times, it’ll be easier to assert free will.
Moon cycles and your Sun sign
Each month the Moon travels through every Sun sign once. When the Moon is in your Sun sign you are
likely to feel more emotional. Often it’s difficult to be your shiny Sun self on the couple of days that the
Moon visits each month. It’s a bit like a woman having her period. There’s a desire for hibernation, rest and
reflection. You might be moody or alternatively very intuitive on those days, clearly able to see the motives
of others. But be careful because often it’s hard to tell whether you’ve become psychic or paranoid until the
Moon days have passed!
When the Moon visits your Sun sign once a month, see if you can plan some quiet time for yourself to help
reduce the extra pressure you might feel otherwise. It’s a perfect opportunity to check if your inner emotional
needs are being met by your external creative goals. If not, the Moon energy can help you work out how to
make your chosen pursuits more rewarding. Some of us are so Sun sign oriented (i.e. career and success
focused) that we can forget to get enough rest. The Moon helps us balance our yin and yang energy.
Sometimes we can feel great on the days when the Moon is in our Sun sign – it’s as if our emotional selves
fully support our creative selves. I’d recommend making a note of how you feel on the days the Moon is in
your Sun sign and see whether you notice any patterns.
In the Monthly Highlights section of your Sun sign forecast you will find the dates listed for when the Moon
is in your Sun Sign. The New, Full & Quarter Moons in your Sun sign are also noted.
© Michelle Proctor 2008 0411 264 753 p. 20
The New Moon in your Sun sign
Once a year the New Moon falls in your Sun sign, generally not too far from your birthday. At the time of a
New Moon, it’s beneficial to creatively envision your life direction for the 12 months ahead. This is a bit like
having a planting day in your garden – i.e. choosing what plants you want to grow and sowing the seeds. Do
a few Moon-oriented activities at this time such as turning the phone off and cooking up some treats to your
favourite tunes. Or perhaps running a bath and doing a bit of daydreaming. Cherish your solitude and indulge
in whatever most nourishes you.
As you relax into your thoughts, dreams, emotions, memories and reflections, you are likely to get insights
that you might otherwise not have had. When you incorporate these insights into your lifestyle, you’ll most
probably notice that you get more out of your Sun sign – i.e. your sense of purpose, your zest for living and
your confidence.
The Waxing Quarter Moon in your Sun sign
About three months after the New Moon in your Sun sign, a Waxing Quarter Moon occurs. Generally we
experience Quarter Moon periods as active because we’re trying to deal with the opposing demands of our
personal and public lives. Perhaps our families start craving attention just when we want to go after a big
work promotion. Use this time to reflect on the plans you implemented at the New Moon. Assess how
realistic they’ve turned out to be and whether you’re on track. Maybe you forgot to include family time in
your plans in the first place. Make some adjustments and you’ll be on your way again. If you haven’t
implemented your plans at all, be kind to yourself as you gently assess how to move forward.
The Full Moon in your Sun sign
This is generally an energetic time when you notice the fruits of what you sowed back at the New Moon near
your birthday. Yet when the Moon energy is amped up, as it is at a Full Moon, we can also feel irrational or
emotional. Challenges might come at us thick and fast to test our resolve with our goals. Be careful not to
buckle under the pressure but do notice any patterns you’ve developed that might be leading to frustration
rather than celebration under your Full Moon. Even if you’re feeling more ‘lunatic’ (lunar) than you’d like to
be, still take time to celebrate what you have achieved at this stage. It’s a phase for acknowledging and
enjoying your successes.
The Waning Quarter Moon in your Sun sign
Three months after the Full Moon and three months before the next New Moon in your Sun sign, is Waning
Quarter Moon time. Once again, a lunar urge to retreat into privacy and introspection is likely. This is a
review phase. Have the nine months after your New Moon gone according to plan so far? Are you going to
continue on with these same kinds of goals or let them go? Generally this is a time of revision. It’s a choice
point. We might decide to let go of some of our goals yet we’ll still need to complete whatever we started at
the New Moon. Perhaps there’s a project to handover in which case the three months between this Waning
Quarter Moon and the next New Moon in your Sun sign offer the perfect opportunity to wind things up.
Perhaps you’ve simply completed phase one of a major goal. At this Waning Quarter Moon you can begin to
wrap up that phase and start thinking ahead to phase two.
Forewarned is forearmed
You are now ready to embark on the journey that 2009 has in store. With your monthly forecasts by your
side you can enjoy being forewarned and forearmed. Not only will you have information on how the general
planetary alignments affect you month-by-month, but you’ll also know your Moon days in advance so that
you can be prepared for possible moody Moon moments.
© Michelle Proctor 2008 0411 264 753 p. 21
Times of Increased Intensity and Change
When Mercury is retrograde or eclipses are active, heightened intensity and confusion often bring changed
circumstances. Commonly there are four eclipses each year (two solar and two lunar), but in 2009 we get one
extra. Often there are three Mercury Retro phases, but this year there are four. In fact the year starts and ends
with Mercury Retro indicating that our usual perceptions could well shift this year.
Mercury Retrogrades
Date Retro Zodiac Sign Date Direct Zodiac Sign
12 January Aquarius 1 February Capricorn
7 May Gemini 31 May Taurus
7 September Libra 29 September Virgo
27 December Capricorn 16 January 2010 Capricorn
Eclipse date Zodiac Sign Type of Eclipse
26 January Aquarius Solar (Partial)
10 February Leo Lunar (Partial)
7 July Capricorn Lunar (Partial)
22 July Cancer Solar (Total)
6 August Aquarius Lunar (Partial)
© Michelle Proctor 2008 0411 264 753 p. 22
+ Positive expression – Negative expression
Black Moon Lilith (Moon Point)
+ Wisdom from the shadows
– A feeling of no choice or betrayal
Ceres (Dwarf Planet)
+ Feeling nourished & nurtured
– Feeling unsupported
Chiron (Centaur)
+ Past pain healed
– Old wounds opened
Hygiea (Asteroid)
+ Health in balance
– Health out of balance
Juno (Asteroid)
+ Marriage & partnership
– Hurt & betrayal
Jupiter (Planet)
+ Good luck & opportunities
– Excess & dramas
Mars (Planet)
+ Forging passionately ahead
– Angry clash of wills
Mercury (Planet)
+ Effective self-expression
– Negative thoughts & words
Moon (Luminary)
+ Healthy automatic habits
– Regressive patterns
Neptune (Planet)
+ Creative inspiration
– Confusion & Escapism
Nodes (Axis of Destiny)
+ Evolving soul pathways
- Karmic merry-go-round
Pallas Athene (Asteroid)
+ Win-win strategies
– Disputes & rigid thinking
Pluto (Dwarf Planet)
+ Equal power for self & others
– Powerlessness or Abuse
Saturn (Planet)
+ Recognition & success
– Blocks & difficulties
Sun (Luminary)
+ Confident life purpose
– Blocked creative essence
Uranus (Planet)
+ Surprises & breakthroughs
– Shocks & troubles
Venus (Planet)
+ Self worth in money & love
– Low self-worth
Vesta (Asteroid)
+ Keeping creative focus
– Letting the passion fade
Archetype: Archetypes are characters, images and stories
that are shared across cultures and appear in literature,
myth, religion or fairytales. In astrology the planets,
asteroids and so on are associated with archetypes.
Asteroids: Hygiea, Juno, Pallas Athene, Vesta etc
The asteroids are found between the orbits of Mars and
Jupiter. The first asteroid was discovered in 1801 at a time
when feminism was on that rise so that most of the new
asteroids were named after goddesses.
Black Moon Lilith: Black Moon Lilith is often grouped with
the asteroids, but is actually a moon point (descriptively
known as the Black Moon), which is the place where the
Moon is at its farthest away from Earth in its orbit.
Centaurs: Chiron, Nessus, Pholus etc
These are not asteroids, dwarf planets or planets, but a
special category of their own called ‘centaurs’. When
Chiron was discovered in 1977 it didn’t fit any of the usual
classifications, but it wasn’t until after Pholus’s discovery in
1992 that the term ‘centaur’ was chosen.
Dwarf planets: Ceres, Pluto and Eris
In 2006, the term ‘dwarf planet’ was coined by
astronomers. Pluto, originally called a planet, was demoted
to a dwarf planet. Ceres, originally called an asteroid, was
promoted to being a dwarf plant. And Eris, the cosmic
body that started the need for a new category when
discovered in 2003, was also labelled a dwarf planet.
Luminary (Light): Sun and Moon
The Sun and Moon are generally termed ‘the luminaries or
lights’ by astrologers, but many astrologers casually call
them ‘planets’ for simplicity’s sake.
Planet: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and
Before Uranus was discovered with the aid of a telescope
in 1781, there were only five planets visible to the naked
eye (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn). In 1846
Neptune was discovered and deemed a planet, and in
1930 Pluto was discovered and also classified a planet.
Yet in 2006, Pluto lost its status as a planet and is now
considered a dwarf planet.
Retrograde /Retro: The apparent backward movement of
a planet etc, as viewed from Earth. The planet (or dwarf
planet etc) isn’t really heading backwards, it just looks that
Ruler: Planets rule zodiac signs. A ruler acts like a
manager of the zodiac sign that it most resonates with. For
example, the planet Saturn rules the zodiac sign
Capricorn. To date, none of the new cosmic bodies (e.g.
asteroids or centaurs) have been given rulers by
astrologers, except for Pluto, although some astrologers
have come up with rulership ideas (e.g. some astrologers
believe that Chiron rules Virgo).
© Michelle Proctor 2008 0411 264 753 p. 23
About the Author, Michelle Proctor
Since 2000, Michelle’s astrology writing has appeared in LivingNOW,
AstroLog, and For the past two years she
has published the monthly Radiant Living ‘AstroWeather’ e-news. She has
appeared on community radio and TV, most recently Cosmic Imprint on
Channel 31, and has conducted various guest lectures, including
conference papers.
Previously, Michelle worked in communications fields for many years,
mainly as an editor and tertiary lecturer. She has a BA (Hons), Grad Dip Editing &
Publishing and Cert IV in Assessment & Workplace Training.
Michelle has been consulting and teaching in the astrology field since 2001 and founded
Radiant Living in 2004. She is a member of the Association of Professional Astrologers
(, the Federation of Australian Astrologers ( and the
Australian Holistic Healers Association (
Michelle welcomes feedback and can be contacted at:
Radiant Living
Insight & healing for the path ahead
0411 264 753
First published in Australia
by Radiant Living.

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