There are definitely some Essence Number Transits that encourage meeting a soul mate. One of the benefits of doing an essence chart at all is to find out what area of your life should be your focus during any time period. The best Essence Transit years for meeting a soul mate would have a value of 2, 3, 5, 6, 8 and 9. When you examine your chart you should look for these numbers, as they would represent the period of time during which you should be focusing on finding a partner. This is especially true if the transit lasts for three years as a transit that is any shorter or longer could indicate a relationship that is transient and doesn't exactly last until death does the both of you part.Below are the interpretations of the Essence numbers that are "good for romance."The Essence Transit Number 2 is a predictor that you will fall in love or find a partner who you would seriously consider spending the rest of your life with. To make the most of years that add up to a value of 2 make sure you socialize a lot. Open up your heart and mind when it comes to meeting new people and trying new things, as this will probably lead you to the person you are looking forThe Essence Transit Number 3 is a bit problematic as you are always in the spotlight. This means that your partner may always be competing for your attention. The transit can also indicate infidelity or the presence of a love triangle. Often during this transit you may find yourself with more than one admirer or sex partner. It is usually a busy year sexually but not so important emotionally.The Essence Transit Number 6 is a predictor that you meet someone with whom you may marry or with whom you might have a child. It is the number of procreation. If you do not desire a pregnancy abstain from sex or use birth control during and Essence Transit Number 6.The Essence Transit Number 5 does not initially seem like the ideal transit for meeting someone as it represents travel on freedom. On the other hand the travel and adventure that usually comes along with this transit usually also brings the opportunity to meet new faces and also sometimes a new lover. The Essence Transit Number 8 is also symbolic of marriage and building foundations for the future. This is also a number represents arranged marriages and the acquisition of wealth through marriage.The Essence Transit Number 9 usually brings a soul mate that is some kind of teacher. The lover or partner that you encounter at this time usually impacts your life in some kind of profound way - for better or worse. Sometimes a relationship that blooms during the Number 9 transit period is very problematic or carries a lot of past life karma with it. These relationships don't always last but you remember them forever.There are many reasons why the other numbers are not so fortunate for relationships.A Number 1 Essence Transit Number is "all about me" and relationships may seem like an encumbrance or a burden while you work on your ambitions. You also may simply not have enough emotional room left to handle a relationship while you are going through this transit. It is also a curious transit that makes you desire to be loved equally by many and not exclusively by one person.A Number 4 Essence Transit Number comes with its own set of challenges. Usually during this transit some hardship, whether it is emotional, physical or financial is suffered. You simply may not feel up to having a relationship and most people don't feel very sexy during this period either. Most people are working on themselves in some way and just don't feel ready to emotionally or sexually engage with another person.A Number 7 Essence Transit Number can turn even the liveliest of extroverts into a misanthrope. It may be very difficult for you to connect to your emotions at this time. When you are going through this transit your libido is more likely to attach itself to hobbies, fantasies or serious educational pursuits rather than to a person. Of course the positive or negative aspects of the Essence Number are also greatly emphasized if the year's Essence Number transit also matches your Personal Year number. For instance you could be considered to be very lucky in love if your Essence number is 2 and you are also going through a 2 Personal Year as it is likely you could meet a true soul mate. On the other hand sometimes the matching up of the Essence Number matching up with your Personal Year number can amount to being too much of a good thing. For instance if you are going through a 9 Essence Transit and your Personal Year number is also nine then the spiritual implications are that the relationship that you encounter might be too heavy to handle.Another way of discerning particularly lucky years for relationships might be to also examine the values for your First, Middle and Last Names in relationship to their total value (which of course adds up to the number that defines your Essence Year.For instance, to take some random year examples from Lucy Lui's Chart --Year Age Letter Transit Value Transit Essence Number F M L F M L1986 16-17 L I L 3 9 3 15 = 61998 28-29 Y L I 6 3 9 18 = 92001 31-32 L E L 3 5 3 11 = 2In 1986 Lucy had an Essence Transit Number of 6. Although she was too young to start a family as indicated by this number the 9 value (which is very spiritual numbers) shows she had at least one romantic relationship that impacted her romantically that year. The 3 values of both her first and last name show that she was also very popular and probably had quite a few admirers.In 1998 Lucy had an Essence Transit Number of 9. This also points to a significant relationship that was quite challenging. The number 6 value of her first name shows a need to settle down but this wish may have been sabotaged by the 9 in her last name (two people going their separate ways) and the 3 (too many admirers.) In 2001, her Essence number added up to 2. Although this might seem ideal it also seems that the two 3 values (in her first and last names) and the 5 value (in her middle name means that travel (symbolized by the number 5) and her fame (symbolized by the number 3) may have sabotaged a relationship.As you can see you can mine a lot of information about your love life out of just one Essences chart. The next newsletter will deal with Essence Numbers that signify Wealth and Advancement.
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