Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The 7 Spiritual Laws

Seven Spiritual Laws♥ I wrote this after a lecture given by Dr Depok Chopra. All the ideas and analogies are his.A Spiritual Law is that law which allows the sequential unfoldment from that which is unmanifest into that which is manifest. It is the spontaneous flow of intelligence... energy and information. It exists in everything and is the animating force of life, through which everything in existence is created.The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success are:1. The Law of Pure Potentiality2. The Law of Giving3. The Law of Karma4. The Law of Least Effort5. The Law of Intention and Desire6. The Law of Detachment7. The Law of Dharma1. The Law of Pure Potentiality:In my essential state I am spirit. That is my internal reference point and the ultimate ground of being. In Bohm's Holographic Universe it is the implicate order from which everything emerges...the unified field. Experience of it is pure joy -- bliss. It is the source of everything, and we must purposefully be aware of it and spend time with it to experience it. Potentially we are one with it.Generation of the creative process in the stillness of the mind.We do that through the experience of silence. I am pure spirit...to get in touch with that I must take time daily to:A) Commune with nature and silently witness the intelligence in every little thingB) Take time for silence and meditationC) Cease from judging...experience the silence and get in touch with pure potentiality.2. The Law of Giving (and Receiving):This frail vessel...empty again and again...fill it...still pour...still room to fill.The universe runs on dynamic exchange. Dynamic systems are those systems that constantly move and change, live and breath, and have flux of energy. Giving and receiving are different aspects of the flow of energy. We must be willing to give that which we seek. That, in turn, will keep abundance and energy flowing through our lives.We must also be aware of the intention behind giving. Give with a joyful attitude...a joyful frame of mind. This will become its own journey full of joy, exuberance, and immediate gratification. I say to myself, "Wherever I go, whoever I meet, I will give a gift and receive3. The Law of Karma:Karma is a Sanskrit word that means action...choice making. Every moment there are infinite choices available. We make them consciously or unconsciously. Every moment one choice is the most karmicly correct, appropriate, and evolutionary. It is the one that will bring joy and fulfillment to oneself and others who are affected by it. Every choice generates a force of energy that returns to us in like kind. If we chose that which is joy and happiness and fulfillment for others, it will be joy and happiness and fulfillment for ourselves. Help someone...be helped.4. The Law of Least Effort:Lao Tsu (an ancient Chinese prophet) said, "An integral being knows without knowing, sees without looking, accomplished without doing." Nature's intelligence functions effortlessly. It is carefree...full of harmony and joy. If we harness those forces with laughter, we can create with effortless ease. Nature works with the intelligence of total mind...Generation...Organization...Delivery. It is spontaneous and frictionless. With total mind access we can do less and accomplish more. This is the opposite of what we generally think and do. We work hard. We are ambitious. We want the certainty of the known. But the unknown has creative potential.5. The Law of Intention and Desire:Desires are the mechanics of creation. The Rig Veda (an ancient Hindu scripture) says that in the beginning was desire. It was the first seed of the universe. It is the connection between the existent and the nonexistent. Desire is pure potential seeking manifestation.Inherent in every desire and intention is the mechanics of fulfillment. When we introduce intent into pure potentiality, it sets into process all things. We can desire from a level of silence...in a field of silence...retaining an internal reference to total mind awareness. Then we let the universe handle it. In his Perennial Philosophy, Aldous Huxley said that in desire itself is the whole process through which everything is created.List your desires and then surrender them to the womb of creation. Practice present moment awareness6. The Law of Detachment:The Upanishads (ancient Hindu scriptures) say that there are two golden birds on a tree...the ego and the Self. The ego tastes the sweet and sour fruits of the world while the Self looks on in detachment.There are two centers of being in action. The ego (which is the objective referral) takes action, anticipates response, experiences fear, can feel wounded, and is subject to the bounds of time. The Spirit, which is beyond the masks of the ego, is timeless. If the Spirit is cultivated as the internal reference point, then you can be an alert witness of your life with a sort of detachment. You recognize that you are not the roles that you are playing. You may play many roles, but you are not them. Become aware and stop identifying with the roles.7. The Law of Dharma:Dharma has to do with your purpose in life. Khalil Gibran wrote that "when you work you are the flute through whose heart the whispering of the hours turns to music...you are the cloth woven from the heart threads for your beloved to wear." Dharma contains that sense of beauty and of "doing the right thing". To align with dharma involves the recognition of several principles:A.) Each person alive has unique gifts, special talents for service to others. When you use those gifts in your own unique way you open yourself up to escape time and experience timeless mind.B.) We are here to help each other. We can change the internal dialogue. The ego says," What's in it for me?" The Spirit says, "What can I give?" When we give up our self centeredness, we open ourselves up to universality.C.) We can experience the Higher Self. We can recognize that we are not human with occasional spiritual experiences...but spirits with occasional human experiencesMake a list of your talents and ask yourself, "How can I put them to service for humanity?" Joseph Campbell said that when you want to know what it is that you are supposed to be doing with your life, you should follow your bliss. Then you will be in tune with dharma.

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