Thursday, May 13, 2010

5th Ray Ideals in Action from Bill Harris,Director of the Centerpoint Research Institute.

Lesson Seven Notes
1. Welcome to Lesson 7 of the Success Solution course. Let’s do a little review and then get into something new. In the last lesson, I started out by telling you that one of my goals in this course was to de-mystify the success process. Many people think that creating what you want in the world requires some sort of magic touch, special connections, luck, or certain difficult to attain abilities. None of this is true, however.
2. Success is actually very simple. Anyone can be successful if they’re willing to follow a few key principles, learn to think and focus their mind in a certain way, take action, learn from what happens, and be persistent. As I’ve said before, there is a certain way of thinking and acting that will get you any outcome you want. You just have to find it and be flexible enough to adopt it. Remember that the term "thinking" includes your beliefs, attitudes, values, metaprograms, the internal representations you make, along with their submodalities, your metaprograms, and your internal strategies.
3. In other words, when I say "thinking" I mean what you do with your internal map of reality to focus your mind. Since how you focus your mind is the key to what you create in life, finding the way of thinking that will get you the outcomes you want is very important. And, if you aren’t willing to look for and find the way of thinking and acting that leads to what you want, and then be flexible enough to adopt it, then please be content the way you are. Don’t torture yourself by wanting something without being willing to do what it takes to create it. And remember that doing what it takes to get what you want can be easy and it can be fun.
4. I again mentioned the six-step process, which is the basis of the second part of the formula, how you act. This simple set of instructions offers an easy way to decide what to do next in every situation. I also mentioned one of the most basic ideas of all three of these courses, which takes us back to the "thinking" side of the equation: that you can and must learn how to be in charge of your internal state. When you’re in charge of your state, you can easily create what you want, and the ability to be in charge of your state is well worth the effort involved to learn how to do it.
5.In many ways, the key to creating any outcome is to learn how to consciously and intentionally focus your mind on that outcome, instead of allowing your mind to focus automatically and unconsciously. When you allow your mind to focus automatically and unconsciously, sometimes you get what you want and sometimes you don’t. Our goal is to create a very high percentage of what we want and a very low percentage of what we don’t want. No one gets what they want all the time, because others are trying to get what they want, and sometimes that interferes with your getting what you want. But by learning how to operate your mind in a conscious and intentional way, you can get what you want almost all of the time.6.Next, I reviewed the subject of learning from adversity. Because anyone who sets out to do something or create something in the world encounters setbacks and adversities, knowing how to turn these setbacks into advantages gives you a huge advantage over those who don’t know how to deal with this fact of life. Please remember that every adversity carries with it the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit. Whenever you encounter a setback, immediately begin looking for that seed of an equivalent or greater benefit and begin to nurture it. With this attitude, no matter what happens, you win.
7. Next I introduced the principle of Going the Extra Mile. This has to be one of the most powerful ways of thinking and acting you could possibly adopt. This principle applies to success in business, the arts, human relationships, or anything else in life. You might be able to create a certain amount of what you want in life without it, but without this principle success is a struggle. And, this principle makes the difference between success with no satisfaction on one hand and success with lots of satisfaction on the other. It is one of the big secrets of happiness and fulfillment.8. I said quite a bit about Going the Extra Mile in the last lesson, and I’m going to share more about it in this lesson. Let’s quickly review what I said last time. First, let me remind you of exactly what Going the Extra Mile means: it means giving more and doing more than expected, giving more and doing more than that for which you are already being compensated, and doing so with a positive, pleasing attitude. Compensation, by the way, could be money, but it could also be friendship, love, the opportunity to participate in certain projects or situations, or anything else that comes to you. It doesn’t have to be just money.9. I described a number of benefits of Going the Extra Mile. One powerful benefit is that it causes people who might be able to help you to notice you, to be impressed with you, and to want to help you. It makes you indispensable to others in whatever you do. Going the Extra Mile allows you to command a larger income, because when you Go the Extra Mile you are worth more. It leads to the perfection of whatever you set out to do, which opens up greater opportunities, more money, and greater satisfaction and fulfillment. It ensures that you’ll always have employment, and probably the best of jobs, since you’ll always be one of the first people others want and the last to go in tough times. 10. It enables you to stand out, because (unfortunately) few others will be Going the Extra Mile. It leads to the development of a positive mental attitude, which is one of the Twelve Great Riches of Life. It develops your imagination as you look for better and better ways to be of more service to others. It develops personal initiative, self-reliance, courage, confidence, and integrity. It creates motivation and ends procrastination. It develops Definiteness of Purpose, which Napoleon Hill identified as the starting point of all achievement. And, it’s the only logical reason why an employer, or the world in general, should send more compensation—whether material or some other type of compensation—your way.11. I described how Going the Extra Mile is really a way of paying in advance, and that when you pay in advance, you always pay the lowest price. At first glance it looks as if Going the Extra Mile would involve paying more, but I assure you that when you follow this principle you actually end up with more, financially, emotionally, and in every other way, for less—even though you're doing more than other people.
12. I likened this to debt, where you pay after you receive the benefit, and always end up paying more. This is, by the way, why debt is so insidious. When you receive something for which you have not yet paid the price to have it, you always pay more. This is how people end up living month to month—they want the benefit in advance, go into debt in order to do that, and then end up paying more for everything. Going the Extra Mile is broader than just the idea of staying out of debt, though. It is the idea that paying in advance, paying more than what is expected, and doing so gladly, brings huge dividends in all areas of life.
13. I also pointed out that if you aren’t giving more and better service than that for which you’re already being paid, you’re actually already receiving adequate compensation for what you’re doing. You can, though, on your own initiative, Go the Extra Mile and in doing so put the universe in your debt. By doing this, you receive much more from life.
Also remember that Going the Extra Mile isn’t done for selfish reasons, even though you do end up with much more. You may know in the back of your mind that Going the Extra Mile is beneficial to you, but you really do it because it’s the right thing to do. It feels good.
14. I mentioned in the last lesson that some people worry that Going the Extra Mile allows others to take advantage of them. This actually isn’t possible, however, for a number of reasons. First, Going the Extra Mile is done on your own initiative. No one asks you to do it. At any time, you could stop, so you are in control of whether or not you’re being taken advantage of. However, by stopping you also stop accruing the benefits I mentioned.
15. Second, since no matter who you Go the Extra Mile for, no matter who notices or doesn’t notice, no matter who appreciates it or doesn’t appreciate it, you are building up credit with the universe that will be repaid. On this I ask you to have faith. And, as I said last time, the longer you wait, the more interest you accrue. Remember, though, that this must be done with a positive attitude, which means you must have a positive focus as you do it. If you Go the Extra Mile begrudgingly, or while saying to yourself, "Okay, where’s my reward?" it will not work.16. I also mentioned a question that sometimes comes up when I discuss Going the Extra Mile, which concerns co-dependency and shame. If you Go the Extra Mile because you feel inadequate, or because you feel that you’re not okay unless you’re doing more for others, you really aren’t Going the Extra Mile. You’re just trying to cope with feelings of shame and inadequacy. If this describes you, I suggest using Time Line to get rid of the shame, or to see a counselor familiar with shame issues and work through them.
17. I then told you several of my experiences with Going the Extra Mile, and told you that I firmly believe that my own success is largely the result of my focus on giving more and better service to all of you and to all of the other thousands and thousands of Centerpointe program participants.18. I’m going to get right down to the nitty-gritty now, and talk about something I rarely talk about directly, though if you really listen it’s behind everything I teach, and that is the subject of love. There is a clear and close connection between Going the Extra Mile, success, fulfillment in life, and love. It’s difficult if not impossible to be truly successful and truly fulfilled in life without Going the Extra Mile, and it’s difficult if not impossible to Go the Extra Mile without love. So let’s talk about love for a bit.
19. When you love, you are other-centered. Or, in the terms we used in the second course, you see that there really is no other, that the universe is all one big process, and that you are that process, perceiving it from one particular spot in the universe. When I see people who struggle with life, who struggle with success, one of the first things I notice is that they are very me-centered. I’m not saying this from a judgmental place. I spent most of the first forty years of my life thinking mostly of myself, something psychologists call narcissism. At this point, I have a great deal of compassion for someone who is focused primarily on themselves, because I understand why this happens.
20. When self-focused, a person often doesn’t notice their effect on others, and they certainly cannot Go the Extra Mile in the way I’m suggesting. When someone is self-focused they are using all, or almost all, their attention to hold themselves together. As a result, they have little or no energy and attention left over to care about others, consider their needs, or to notice the affects of their actions.
21. Going the Extra Mile is a way to move yourself from this self-focused way of living to the much more beneficial and fulfilling other-focused way of living. To do this, you have to trust that you won’t fall apart if you do so, that you won’t fail to meet your own needs. In fact, when you do this your needs are much more easily met, as you would expect when Going the Extra Mile. Superficially, it might seem that if you Go the Extra Mile for others—especially when your own needs are unmet or barely met—that you'll lose what little you have and then you really will be lost. But that isn’t how it works, and this is an area in which you must have faith in the universe.
22. I want to share something about love, a poem by Robert G. Ingersoll. As I read it, also think of "other-centered" when you hear the word love. And, keep in mind that while it’s wonderful to be on the receiving end of love, it’s just as fulfilling—perhaps even more fulfilling—to be on the giving end. The natural law behind Going the Extra Mile ensures that if you are loving, if you are other-centered, if you give to the world and to others, it will come back to you, usually many times over.
23. Love is the only bow on life's dark cloud.
24. To some this may sound sappy and utopian, but I’m here to tell you that when you look at life in this way, in which you’re here to help others get what they want and to give more and better service than anyone expects, you not only feel fulfilled, you find that whatever you want and need comes to you easily. True success is much more than making money or some other sort of achievement. These things are important, because we all want security and nice things, but they are a side-effect of this overall attitude of loving others, of helping others, of Going the Extra Mile.
25. So if you find yourself in the position where most or all of your attention is on yourself and your own problems, I understand. I once was there, and I know what it’s like. I wish someone had taught me this information during that period. Instead, I gradually learned it the hard way. When you are in such a place, it does indeed seem as if you must keep your attention on yourself or what little you have will desert you. But if you have the faith to let go, and focus on others, and Go the Extra Mile in everything you do, magical things will happen for you.
26. I told you that for a great portion of my life I was focused on myself. I thought I had to in order to hold things together. As a result, I often offended people and drove people away and certainly had a difficult time connecting with other people. As I used Holosync, that began to change, and by the time I started Centerpointe in 1989 I had healed enough that I could begin to be more other-centered. Centerpointe gave me a platform from which I could Go the Extra Mile, from which I could pay attention to what others needed and do something to meet those needs.27. Once I began to take advantage of this opportunity, my life began to change. I became increasingly happier, and more and more of everything I needed—materially, emotionally, and spiritually—began to flow to me. Before, not much of anything was flowing to me, so this was a significant change. It was something I never would have imagined could happen. I’m sharing this with you because I want it to happen for you, too.
28. When I suggest that you move from being me-centered to being other-centered, and suggest Going the Extra Mile as one means of creating that shift, some people respond by beating themselves up for the fact that right now they are in a me-centered place. If you are in a me-centered place, I want you to realize that you have a very good reason for being there. You had to be there to make it through your childhood. It’s just that once you get away from your family of origin, you don’t need the same strategies to survive, and very often what was totally necessary in our family creates a lot of problems, or in some way holds us back, when we get away from our family and out in the world. So if you are feeling bad because you’ve realized that you’re a lot like I was and are coming from a me-centered place, let it be okay that this is where you are right now. 29. Both Holosync and the principle of Going the Extra Mile are powerful ways to make the transition to an other-centered way of living. As you do that, tremendous positive benefits will come to you, just as they have for me. And the more you use this principle, the greater the benefit.
30. One more thing to keep in mind: being other-centered doesn’t mean you never think about yourself or your own needs. To be concerned about yourself and your own needs is normal. I can’t say what percentage of time an other-centered person is thinking of him or herself and what percentage of time they are thinking of how to meet the needs of others. I suggest increasing the amount that your focus is on Going the Extra Mile, and see what happens. Then, keep going until you find the amount that works best. I’m pretty sure that it will take some time before you hit the point where you’re doing too much for others. Keep in mind, however, that doing for others because of shame, as a way of being okay, is not Going the Extra Mile, and if that is what you do, you need to do something to deal with the shame issue. If you need guidance on this, please feel free to email with the Questions link in this lesson.
31. Why am I spending so much time on this subject? Because I believe it is crucially important to your happiness and your success. I’ve spent a lot of time in this course on the how-to of achievement, and I probably will spend more time on it in later lessons. The how-to is important, no doubt about it. But the how-to is the easy part. Any person with a reasonable amount of intelligence can quickly learn the how-to aspect of success. All you have to do is notice what other people who are creating what you want are doing, and adopt their methods. What really separates the average person from the truly successful and fulfilled human being—what separates the unhappy person from the person who really does attain the Twelve Great Riches of Life—are these more abstract qualities of character I'm sharing with you.
32. In fact, let’s quickly review the Twelve Great Riches of Life. As I read these, I’d like you to really imagine yourself having all of them. What would it be like? The Twelve Great Riches of Life really are possible for you, and I’m doing everything I can in this course to show you how to create them in your life.
33. They are: A positive mental attitude, sound physical health, harmony in human relationships, freedom from fear, the hope of achievement, the capacity for faith, a willingness to share one’s blessings, a labor of love, an open mind on all subjects, self-discipline, the capacity to understand people, and financial security. These Twelve Great Riches of Life are outcomes that nearly every human being wants, and they lead to happiness and inner peace. I’m doing my best to give you the information, the principles, you need to have what you want in life. Please know that no matter what your past or present circumstances, you can have all of them.34. I’d like to share a few instances of others who have used Going the Extra Mile to change their lives. Some of these stories are several decades old, since I’ve lifted them from Napoleon Hill, but they are such great examples I wanted to share them with you. Hill tells the story of an elderly woman who was strolling through a Pittsburgh department store. She was obviously just killing time and wasn’t there to buy anything. All the clerks ignored her when she stopped at their counters. However, one young man, when she stopped at his counter asked her if he might serve her. When she said, no, she was just killing time until the rain stopped so she could go home, he said to her: "Well, in that case, could I bring out a chair for you?" and without waiting for an answer, he got her a chair. When the rain finally stopped, he took her by the arm and escorted her to the street and said good-bye to her. As she left, she asked for his card.
35. Several months later, the owner of the store received a letter asking that this same young man come to Scotland to take an order to furnish a home there. The owner replied that this man was not in that department, but he would send someone who specialized in home furnishings. She wrote back that only this young man would do, and the young man was sent, because the letters were signed by Andrew Carnegie, and the elderly woman was his mother. The young man went to Scotland and took an order for several hundred thousand dollars worth of furniture. As a result, the young man became a partner in the store, and later became half owner of the store. The young man had no motive of gain when he was kind to this elderly woman, but he certainly did Go the Extra Mile, and he certainly did benefit.
36. In another instance, the editor of a magazine was invited to deliver a speech at a school. He was offered his regular fee, which was, in today’s money, several thousand dollars plus travel expenses. He went and gave the speech, and in the course of doing so picked up several ideas for stories for the magazine. When the school asked for his expenses so they could write him a check, he refused to accept payment for the speech, saying that he had already been well paid through the material he had picked up for the magazine, and returned home. 37. The fact that he had turned down his fee became an item of considerable interest among the students and other people in the town. During the next week his magazine received sixty times as much revenue in subscriptions as the speaking fee would have brought in, and in the next two years the magazine received 500 times as much in revenue from students from the school and citizens of the town. Then, the story was picked up by another magazine with a worldwide circulation and as a result subscriptions came in from all over the world.
38. So by rendering service without collecting for it, the editor set to work the power of Going the Extra Mile and ended up with more than 500 times the original benefit he would have received. This story reminds me very much of my experience at Centerpointe. As I’ve gone the Extra Mile with many of you, you’ve told your friends and relatives and as a result thousands upon thousands of people have joined Centerpointe programs.
39. Not only that, many other things have come to me and to Centerpointe as a result of giving more and better service than was expected. For instance, I’m now being invited to speak or collaborate with many prominent people such as Jack Canfield, Joe Vitale, Ken Wilber, and at various different conferences and other places and situations.
40. We’re also exploring the possibility of a PBS Series about the Nine Principles, we’re making some connections with Deepak Chopra with the possibility of doing some seminars together, and I’ve been asked to participate in many other groups and situations. I just spoke at the United Nations for the UN Values Caucus, and one of the people at that presentation is involved with the Mayor’s office in New York and wants me to do a similar presentation for the City of New York. I attribute most of this, ultimately, to all the time I’ve spent Going the Extra Mile. I didn’t Go the Extra Mile in order to receive these benefits, but they came nonetheless.
41. I want you to remember, too, that fifteen years ago, when I started Centerpointe, I had nothing going on. It’s probably easy to hear me list all these accomplishments and opportunities and feel that things like this are impossible for you. I assure you that there is nothing I’ve done that you can’t do. Though your vision of what is possible may not be as big as mine is now, if you follow the principles I’m describing—which you certainly can do—anything is possible. Please don’t think that these things are happening for me because there’s something special about me. They are happening because this is what happens when you focus on what you want, take action, and Go the Extra Mile. You can do the same.42. Sometimes what looks like the smallest incident of Going the Extra Mile leads to huge benefits. Many years ago a young salesman in a hardware store saw throughout the store many odds and ends that were not selling or were out of date in some way. Though it wasn’t his job to do so, and no one told him to do it, he rounded up these odds and ends, placed them on a table in the middle of the store, and marked the items as being for sale for ten cents each—probably the equivalent of a dollar or two in today's money. The items quickly sold out, and from this small example of Going the Extra Mile grew the F.W. Woolworth Five and Ten Cent stores. I believe Woolworth’s is out of business today, but Frank Woolworth, who was that young clerk, created a fortune of about a billion dollars in today’s money, all because he had the initiative to Go the Extra Mile on a slow day at work.
43.No one told Woolworth to take this initiative. No one paid him extra to do so. Yet his actions brought huge returns. In addition to himself, his idea made millionaires of several other people, gave employment to many thousands over many decades, and performed a valuable service for the customers of his stores. In fact, Woolworth’s was the model for the modern methods of merchandising that have dramatically lowered the cost of most household and home entertainment items sold in department and variety stores today.44. Another story: Many years ago a man named Arthur Nash had a tailoring business. Unfortunately, he was close to bankruptcy, just one step ahead of the sheriff and foreclosure.Worried that their jobs might disappear, his employees caught his spirit of defeatism, which of course affected their work and made the business even less successful. Nash knew he had to do something. Coincidentally, he had just read about the man I described a moment ago who had refused his speaking fee and as a result received over 500 times as much business.45. Nash called together his employees, explained the dismal situation the business was in, and suggested that if everyone caught the spirit of Going the Extra Mile then perhaps the business, and their jobs, might be saved. He asked them if they could temporarily forget about wages and working hours and just pitch in and Go the Extra Mile in an attempt to save the business. He promised that if the business could be saved, everyone would get back wages plus a bonus. The employees liked the idea and agreed to give it a try, and without being asked, many of them even brought in small amounts of money they’d saved and loaned it to Mr. Nash.46. The whole spirit of the company changed, and the employees began to Go the Extra Mile for the customers, and the business began to improve, and eventually prospered like it never had before. Mr. Nash eventually became quite wealthy as a result, and when he retired he gave the business to his employees. You can believe me that every one of them was a big believer in the principle of Going the Extra Mile.47. I have one more story for you. Before I tell it, I want to acknowledge that these stories are mostly business oriented. I know that you may not be taking this course because you want to make more money or create a business or rise up in the ranks of the company you work for, though many of you do want that. If your interest is somewhere else, you might find it easy to dismiss these stories as being unrelated to your situation. Please don’t let the fact that these stories are about business or involve making money keep you from seeing the lesson in them.
48. Whether your situation has to do with money or business, or something else like friendship, or romantic love, or developing certain artistic talents, or doing some sort of charitable work, or creating social change, or any other goal you might have, Going the Extra Mile works. I hope you will be able to translate these stories in such a way that you can see how this principle will indeed benefit you no matter what you want to do.
49. Napoleon Hill was writing for people in the 1930s and 1940s, when there was tremendus unemployment, people’s spirits were low, and more than anything people were looking for ways to make a living and to improve their life—in some cases, to survive. You may not be in this situation, and these stories may not be about what you’re going through, but Going the Extra Mile is a universal law, and it works in any situation. I want you to have the benefits it will bring you, which is why I’m spending so much time telling you about it.50. Those of you who want a more fulfilling life, a happier life, will want to really take heed regarding this principle. This principle is the easy way to fulfillment and getting what you want in life. Here’s what Napoleon Hill said about Going the Extra Mile: "The pot of gold at the 'end of the rainbow' is not a fairy tale! The end of that extra mile is the spot where the rainbow ends, and that is where the pot of gold is hidden...The trouble with most of us is that we do not know how to follow rainbows. Those who know the secret know that the end of the rainbow can be reached only by going the extra mile."
51. Another story. A man named Carol Downes worked at a bank. One day William C. Durant, the founder of General Motors, came into the bank after banking hours and asked a favor of Mr. Downes that ordinarily would have been asked during regular hours. Mr. Downes not only granted the small favor, but went the Extra Mile in granting it. He did the favor with added courtesy and made Mr. Durant feel that it was a real pleasure to serve him. The whole thing was in many ways a trivial incident.52. The next day, however, Mr. Durant contacted Carol Downes and offered him a job at General Motors. He was offered a desk in a general office along with nearly one hundred other people, his hours being 8:30 to 5:30. At the end of the first day, everyone but Carol Downes hurried to leave at 5:30. Mr. Downes, however, remained at his desk. Fifteen minutes later Dr. Durant came out of his office, noticed Mr. Downes, and told him that perhaps he did not understand that he could go home at 5:30. "I realize that," Carol Downes answered, "but I thought I would remain and see if there was some way I could be of service to you." Mr. Durant, perhaps with tongue in cheek, asked him if he could find him a pencil. Downes found the pencil, and before delivering it made sure it had a sharp point on it. Mr. Durant thanked him and said good night.
53. The next day the same thing happened. Downes remained at his desk after everyone had left, and again Mr. Durant asked him if he had misunderstood that he could go home at 5:30."Yes, I understand," he said, "but no one said I had to go home at 5:30, and I decided to stay in the hope that I might somehow be of service to you." Every day this scene repeated itself, where Downes stayed late and asked for extra duties, which he was given. No one paid him extra for this, and to the casual observer it might have looked as if he was wasting his time.54. Several months went by, when one day Mr. Durant called him into his office and told him to go out to a new plant that had been opened and supervise the installation of new plant machinery. Instead of saying, "But I don’t know anything about installing machinery," he accepted the position and went on his way. Three months later, the job was completed. In fact, it was accomplished so expertly that Mr. Durant called Downes into his office and asked him where he’d learned so much about machinery. Downes replied that he knew nothing about machinery, but realized that there were many men in the plant who did know how to do the job, so he gathered them together, learned from them, and then supervised their work. Durant immediately made him the new plant manager at a very large salary. In fact, over the next decade, Downes made over ten million dollars and became a close advisor to William C. Durant.55. In giving Downes this new position at a much higher salary, Durant said "There are two kinds of people who are valuable. One kind can do something and do it well, without complaining of overwork. The other is one who can get other people to do something well without complaining. You are both types in one package." What he was noticing was that Carol Downes had the habit of Going the Extra Mile, and he had the ability to get others to Go the Extra Mile.56. Now some of Downes' co-workers might have been envious of him and suspected that he had some sort of inside pull, or that his relationship with the boss was based on luck. But Carol Downes created his own pull, by his own initiative, by Going the Extra Mile, and doing it with a positive mental attitude. You can do the same thing, no matter what your goal is in life. Not only that, it’s fun and satisfying to live this way.
57. Later, Carol Downes was asked how he came to be a close advisor to Mr. Durant. He said, "I just made it my business to get in his way, so that he could see me. When he looked around, wanting some little service, he called on me because I was the only one in sight. In time he got into the habit of calling on me." When he was called upon, however, Carol Downes went the Extra Mile, and Durant noticed this and knew that when something needed to be done, he could count on Carol Downes. There is nothing keeping you from being like Carol Downes in some way in some area of your life, and I hope you will.
58.There are many stories of ordinary people who became millionaires, or achieved some other significant success by Going the Extra Mile. Andrew Carnegie alone is said to have promoted over forty ordinary day laborers in his company until each of them reached millionaire status. These promotions came because their Going the Extra Mile made them worth that much to the company. But you don’t have to want to be rich, or to create a big company, or have a huge world-shaking goal to utilize this principle. You can go the Extra Mile in any job, you can use it in your marriage, with your children, at your church, or in any part of your life. If you do, you’ll find that you benefit in the same way these other people have. The whole world is clamoring for people who are willing to Go the Extra Mile, and you can easily be one of them.59. I want to give you some homework now, and then we’re going to do another Time Line process to eliminate sadness. Once again, I want to make sure you have created a goal statement and are reading it aloud twice a day, while visualizing yourself already in possession of your goal. When you do this, add as much positive emotion as possible. Then, create an action plan, and take action. Follow the six-step process by noticing what happens, evaluating your results—or lack of results—and then based on that evaluation refine your plan and take more action.60. Let me also remind you that you want to be looking for Mastermind partners, people whose talents and resources you can use to help you achieve your goal. Now that you are acquainted with Going the Extra Mile, you can see that you want to Go the Extra Mile in your relationship with such people, and make sure they benefit, and also look for people who Go the Extra Mile when assembling such a group. You might want to review the parts of this course where I discuss Mastermind groups.
61. Also look for others who have done what you want to accomplish, and model their beliefs, values, strategies, metaprograms, and actions. Instead of reinventing the wheel, take the shortcut by finding out what others have done who had the same goal.
Finally, continue to work on your list of ways you can Go the Extra Mile, and take personal initiative to do so every chance you get. And, if you have any questions about any of this, use the Questions link in this lesson to email your questions.
62. Last time we did a Time Line process to help you deal with anger, and the lesson before that we dealt with fear. If you did these processes, you should have eliminated the emotional charge from any past events that had been creating anger and fear in your life. Very often when anger and fear are eliminated, an underlying sadness can come up, so this time I want to help you get rid of sadness.63. I’m doing these processes with you to help you eliminate any underlying emotional material that might hold you back from going ahead right now and thinking and acting in such a way that you can create whatever you want. I’m not getting a lot of feedback on how you’re doing with these processes, so I’ll just say that I certainly hope you are fully participating in them. The how-to part of achievement is actually pretty easy. It’s the emotional part that can be difficult. When someone has trouble becoming successful in something, it’s almost always because of unresolved emotional material, so resolving these emotional blocks is very important. Otherwise, I wouldn’t spend so much time on this.
So, with that, let’s get rid of any sadness you may have from the past.
[At this point I lead you through a process designed to eliminate sadness. Please be sure to listen to the actual recording of this lesson and to participate in this important process.]Now, if you had any trouble with this process, please email the issue using the Questions link on the website and tell us about it.
Until the next lesson, be well.
It is the morning and evening star.
It shines upon the babe, and sheds its radiance on the quiet tomb.
It is the mother of art, inspirer of poet, patriot and philosopher.
It is the air and light of every heart—builder of every home,
kindler of every fire on every hearth.
It was the first to dream of immortality.
It fills the world with melody—for music is the voice of love.
Love is the magician, the enchanted, that changes worthless things to joy, and makes right royal kings and queens of common clay.
It is that perfume of that wondrous flower, the heart, and without that sacred passion, that divine swoon, we are less than beasts;
But with it, earth is heaven and we are gods.
Make sure to read the related student questions & the moderators' answers to them by clicking here. This material contains additional training and insight into the lesson topic.
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