Thursday, November 11, 2010

"To see things Change in the World we must Change the way we See things!"

The Integrated Ascended Master realizes that the world we see is a projection of our own thinking. So what we see in the world is determined by our own thinking.
There is a way of thinking that can give us happiness and inner peace regardless of what is going on in the outer world. This way of thinking is called Spiritual/ Christ/ Buddha/ Krishna/ Moses/ Mohammed/ Mighty I AM Presence thinking.
It is a way of thinking that helps us to transcend the lower self and identify with our Higher Self or God Self. It is a way of thinking that transcends fear with love, illusion with truth, and separation with oneness.
And as we change our thinking from fear to love we will automatically change the way we see things, because essentially we each are seeing our own thoughts.
And since our thinking translates into action, as we change our thinking and what we see in the world, we will naturally change the way we act in our daily life.
And as we change the way we act in our daily life, we will be able to step into the foot steps of the great Mahatma Gandhi and live his great advice that we must BE the change we wish to SEE in the world.
And as we each ARE the change we wish to see in the world, we will create a new beautiful world. And as we create this new wonderful world, we shall create Heaven on Earth for everyone!
The Integrated Ascended Master is ever eager to change the way he sees things so he may ultimately learn to see the world through the eyes of God!
So let it be written. So let it be done.
© 2010

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