Monday, September 27, 2010

Demonstrating Right Relationship to Self God and all others,in that Order!

Demonstrating Right Relationship to Self God and all others,in that Order!

Todays brief lesson and Consciousness Earthly and Spiritual Re adjustment process is on the process of getting right with self God and others.For many people in this World Love others before themselves.They are feeling a lack of self love and self worth within so they end up seeking that inside another person.If anyone is cut off from their SPiritual Life in any way they will subliminate that into another person,ie false God)So again as always the key is recognizing that there are 2 kinds of Love.Spiritual Ascended Masters Love or Fear Based Seperative Illusionary Lower Self Type of Love.You are either demonstrating one or the other.If you are not whole and right within self or cut off from your Spiritual Path you will subliminate your energies into others.If you do not own your 100% personal Power Unconditional Love Wise Discernment and Wholeness within Self,you will end up seeking it in another.You will form then a Co Dependent Relationship instead of having only Super Strong Preferences and no Attachments.With attachment you will always get a lesson from God to release your attachment,namely that the thing you are attached to will be taken away from you.So you must have total self worth and self Mastery within self so you will not seek it outside self!Remember what ever you put first in life is your God!If you are sublimating your Energies into a Primary Romantic Relationship you are having a Flase God for you are putting that person Ahead of your Right relationship to Self and to God!So there are degrees of addictive love!There are also so those who are write attuned spiritually to God the Angels and Masters,these people however are not right with self!They do not love themselves,they are not fully whole with self!Therefor they are still subseptable to this addictive love!They will effectively channel thier energy that they should have used to getting right with Self into being right with God however they are not right with self!Your relationship to God the Masters and Angels plus all kingdoms will be a reflection of your relationship to self!Therefor you must be right with self first!There is here another level where one light worker is Right with Self to some higher degree,they work on themselves and put great effort into this work and believe they have to put thier relationship to Self and God first and and are going for this right understanding however some are not quite achieving it.They are making the effort but have not fully worked out thier consciousness yet.They are totally trying to do this though they have not yet realized the full scope of what this means!Most Higher Level Initiates are on this Level,however there is some way in which these light workers are still not putting everything into being right with self first fully then with God and then with others!Now there is one final level that we are all to reach as Integrated Ascedned Masters in Training with IAMYA and the IAMU,in taking the Training with Myself and thereby Joshua and Mietreya you will be getting the best training available!You will be getting the training on how to become an Integrated Ascened Master of Relationship!This training has never been given before!I want to take you all you all to the Highest level in being 100% Right with Self and Right with God at the 100% level while being in a primary relationship!This way you will be totally on track in every way!Just because you are right with self and right with God doesnt mean you will learn all the lessons of relationship!To pass the Ultimate Spiritual Test and polish your Integrated Diamond,get into relationship and maybe even have some Kids!This will defintely polish your Integrated Diamond i am sure you will agree!So in summary you must put your Relatiohship to Self first and God first 100% of the Time,remaining 100% Right with Self and God.You must do this all the time,never putting anything before your relationship to self and God first.If you dont do this you will fall into the Relationship trap.If you can do it you will remain right with self not take things personally never be abandonded Not be ego sensitive,you will be right with self anf God fully your Will be in your Power.If you partner gets imbalanced you remain centered and have compassion.You realize that attack is a Call for love.Everything becomes a Test and Lesson to remain in Unconditional Love.Every moment is a Choice to remain in Christ Consciousness.To mistreat your partner is to mistreat God!Everything that happens is for you both to see that everything is happening within and is not about someone else,but just a test to gettting right with Self first,to learn your own lessons first.To have your happiness within Self not within your Partner!You will never be a victum og your partner!There is no fear of re jection!There is no possesiveness,There is no Jealousy,You state your preferences to your partner however you are still happy weather they happen or not.You are totally right with self and always are helping your partner be God Feel God get back to Center,come back to Love,Move into Unconditional Love.You always respond calmly and rationally.You see though your spiritual Christ Buddha Krishna Moses God Consciosness.You always remain in your Right relationship to self and Right relationship to God/Godess.When your partner gets sick physically or psychologically you dont catch the disease.You keep your Bubble up and take the high road not the low road.You feel so good about yourself your just want to give back!You are constantly writing love notes giving them energy telling them how much you love them and supporting them in all ways.You loved one then loves and appreciates you so much,You can fully share all your feelings and energies with one another for all you want is totaly God and Self Realization for one another and the World!You always apologize for your mistakes.You learn within self and dont repeat your mistakes.You learn all lessons within and process all things well.You are developing together and Integrated Ascended Master romantic Relationship!Your partner will automatically take on your Pattern on developing and demonstrating the Christ Consciousness.They will have to because you will not allow it to go any other way.The romantic Relationship is God having a Relationship with God,The Eternal Self having a Relationship with the Eternal Self.God to Godess perfection on Earth through relationship.You now fully known everything you need to know to demonstrate Christ Consciousness in relationship fully and work out all within self and God first.Do not focus on your partners lessons!Focus on your own lessons.By your good non attached example your partner will do the same!You are now being lovingly guided to demonstrating the Integrated Ascended Masters ideal in relationship to take your relationship to the next level!You are being guided by God and the Masters to take this on to the Next Integrated Ideal and to demonstrate this to the Highest Level!Mistakes will happen but mistakes are ok and are part of the process.If you can continue on this path in always putting your relationship to Self and God first fully before anyone or anything else you will be well on the Way to demonstrating Integrated Ascended Masters Consiousness!

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