Thursday, April 1, 2010

Red Rhythmic Skywalker Day

Red Rhythmic Skywalker Day
Traditional Count: 10 Chicchan
April 1, 2010

Greetings Tribe of Light


On the Galactic Calendar, as of March 27 2010, we are now traveling within the Yellow Star Wavespell, which is always the last 13-day cycle of the 260-day Galactic Spin Cycle. The Yellow Star reminds us to commune with the true BEAUTY that we are, and to emanate that ART out to the Web of Life. We don't have to necessarily make art, we can BE art, by simply living mindfully with awareness of letting love be our guiding principle and the force that motivates our actions. We are all Stars in this Universe! Let us Shine from our Hearts and Inspire Beauty in our shared journey. Let us brighten these challenging times by igniting the divine spark within, encouraging one another to firm ourselves in our inner light, positively influencing the collective consciousness. This is not about denying the darkness and the myriad pains and hardships, it is about embracing them, integrating them, healing them, and uplifting them into an exalted state of true Compassion; true wholeness. That is the path of consciously making our lives sacred and harmonious - it must come from honest, self-reflective wisdom, and deeply caring mercy and tenderness.

I wish to bring to your attention that starting last equinox on Sept 22 2009, we began the countdown of 13 equinoxes and solstices, culminating on the infamous December Solstice 2012 Synchronization which marks the closing of the Mayan Great Cycle of this World Age. It has been my direct experience that each one of these important natural holy days is bringing a new level of alignment and empowerment to us; new tests, new wisdom, and new vibrations. We are quickly learning how to surf the waves of ongoing, accelerated change! No question - we are being purified and our missions are expanding...

More than ever, we must be aware of what energies we are resonating at, and strive to keep ourselves in a place of Compassion, Calm, Courage, Surrender, and Trusting in the Unfolding of the Mystery. We are the ones responsible to make this a love-based, vibrant world. We must meet life with our hearts, from a humble, grateful center within us - connected to the Source of All that Unifies life in all dimensions, seen and unseen.

As Drunvalo Melchizedek wrote in his book: Serpent of Light - Beyond 2012: "...We must really take responsibility for our thoughts, feelings and emotions now, for each one of us is The Dreamer, and what we dream will become real in this world. This is the Mayan belief: that as we move closer to December 21, 2012, the power of the Dreamer becomes stronger and stronger...The Inner Worlds and the Outer Worlds will begin to merge into one. This is the belief not only of the Maya, but many other indigenous groups and prophets as well..."

(I highly recommend this book which can be found here: )



In the spirit of bringing beauty and lucidity to our personal and planetary dreaming process, I also wish to bring to your attention that Intiana of is dedicated to make her services available to everyone, regardless of your financial situation. She has been offering Personal Destiny Readings for 15 years, which are a blend of her psychic insight and the decoding of your birthdate's Galactic Signature, to help you understand your unique Divine Design and how to align with your Purpose in this life.

Her readings, which are both practical and mystical, are very reasonably priced at only $52, but she also just updated her website with a donation button for those who can't afford that amount at this time.

As Intiana shares: "If you feel drawn by your Spirit to work with me to support the unfolding of your awakening but are unable to pay the full amount, I invite you to make a donation from your Heart and I will be happy to offer you a reading! My commitment is to this Mother Earth and all her children, and during these times I offer myself in Service to the New Civilization, and I do not wish money to be an obstacle. I know that support of nature comes from the Heart."

Please check out her services, and please spread the word to those who might benefit from working with her. Intiana is a true Peace Pilgrim and it is an honor to support someone who is truly dedicated to planetary Awakening!

Please find Intiana's offering on her website:

As one of her testimonials shared: ""You can't even begin to imagine how helpful your guidance has been. You have been a light in my time of darkness."


Finally, I also want to share this recent article from Dr. Jose Arguelles.
He will be presenting on the Day out of Time, July 25, 2010 at the upcoming
PROPHETS CONFERENCE - "2012 The Tipping Point" in Vancouver, Canada, which features many of today's prominent speakers on the subject of 2012!

To learn more about the conference please see:

2012 - 1000 days to go and the Noosphere is counting
By José Argüelles
Galactic Research Institute, Foundation for the Law of Time

"As of March 27, 2010, the countdown to 2012 reaches 1000 days - a critical
benchmark in the approach to the now highly touted prophetic end date of
the current "Great Cycle" of the Mayan Calendar.

This particular point- 1000 days - is considered to be of the greatest
significance by a Mongolian research group, The Strategic Advocacy and
Implementation, NGO (, and
According to their spokesman, Erdenechimeg Ish, in a document entitled,
The Secret of Mayan Calendar is Revealed, "The ancient Mongolians
considered the man who ruled 1,000, 10,000, 1,000,000 and 1,000,000,000
people as the King. That is why the remaining 1000 days until the 21
December 2012 is very important to mankind...In the ancient Mongolian
calendar, 1000 days is one cycle of the universe, which can hold the force
of the Eternal Blue Heaven. This number can completely decide the world
protection from the disaster of mankind’s civilization."

According to the program of The Strategic Advocacy and Implementation,
NGO, if mankind can unite and form the "world protection belt" during the
three spring equinoxes of 2010, 2011 and 2012, then mankind will be saved
from total disaster. Already we have joined with the Mongolian calendar
group in a call for humanity to unite on the spring equinox, 2010, and we
will continue to issue that call for 2011 and 2012. The spring equinox
(autumn, Southern hemisphere) is the moment when Earth is in perfect
balance, and that is why activating the world protection belt at these
moments is so critical.

By the third day of the Prophets Conference 2012, The Tipping Point II,
July 25, 2010 (Day out of Time on the 13 Moon 28-day calendar), there will
be but 880 days to go. In this light, it is important for humanity to
grasp the issue of the "world protection belt." The principle of the world
protection belt lies in the untapped power of the human mind to
collectively unify under a single thought that can literally change the
course of world destiny.

Whether one thinks that the prophecy of the Mayan Calendar date is true or
not, it is clear from the present course of world events that the
direction in which things are going does not bode well for the planetary
condition by 21 December 2012. All conventional efforts to halt the speed
and rate of destruction seem virtually impotent (as witness the recent
Copenhagen Conference on Global Warming). At this point, only a super
human exercise of the collective mind and will can have any effect on the
planetary situation. And that is exactly what is called for - that is the
meaning of the "world protection belt."

Technically speaking, from the Mayan calendar point of view, 21 December
2012 marks the arrival of year Zero. This means the time- 5125 years -
allotted for humanity to comprehend who and what it is and what it has
been doing to itself and the planet will be all used up. We will be at a
"time-quake zero" - the pause between the old time ending and the new time
beginning. This is the precise moment to program a new holistic perception
of our selves and the cosmos into the collective mind field of the Earth,
the noosphere.

Every day now counts in the cultivation of the positive planetary mental
field of the world protection belt, which at the same time is the
activation of the noosphere, the mental envelope of the planet. The next
phase of our evolution, the noosphere, is already waiting to be sprung
into effect. The noosphere, the collective conscious mind of the Earth, is
counting the days and counting on a critical mass of humans to be ready to
quantum shift forward at the changing of the aeon - zero-point 2012.

If there is any single purpose to events like the 2012 Tipping Point
Conference, it is to not only raise consciousness about 2012, but to help
positively focus the human mind and will on the world protection belt,
literally a harmonic mind wave that straddles the planet from pole to
pole: A single thought of universal peace, a single moment, a single mind
wave stabilizing the electromagnetic field of the planet. The time for the
miracle of the creative human imagination in action has never been so

"Maybe some day you’ll join us and the world will be as one"
John Lennon, Imagine

JOSÉ ARGÜELLES is the man who first introduced the date December 21,
2012 into mass consciousness with The Mayan Factor. The initiator of the
Harmonic Convergence global peace meditation of 1987, Argüelles is also
the founder of the annual Whole Earth Festival (1970) in California, and
one of the originators of the Earth Day concept. To expand his vision of
world peace, Arguelles co-founded of the Planet Art Network (PAN) and
the World Thirteen Moon Calendar Change Peace Movement. He is presently
Director of the Galactic Research Institute of the Foundation for the
Law of Time, and most recently convened the First Bioregional Noosphere
Congresses held at numerous sites world-wide. Through the Noosphere II
research project he is exploring synchronic time and states of
consciousness, co-producing the seven volume series, Cosmic History
Chronicles, and promoting the vision of Earth as a work of art.


explore a radically different, more optimistic interpretation of the Mayan
prophecy, as referring to the end of the world as we have known it.
Instead of predicting a physical destruction of the material world, the
Mayan prophecy might refer to death and rebirth and a mass inner
transformation of humanity. The conference brings together JOSE ARGUELLES,
MIGUEL ANGEL VERGARA in the beautiful setting of Vancouver, Canada.
Following the conference will be in-depth post-conference workshops.



In Lak'ech - I am Another Yourself!

May the Stars Guide the Art of our Hearts,
Eden Sky of SkyTime


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