Saturday, May 7, 2011

"The Khemitians"

Long before the Greeks introduced the derivative for the name of "Egypt" around 500 BCE, this sacred and powerful country was known as "KMT" or "Khemit" which meant "the black land", named for the black silt deposits on the banks of the Nile river. It was this fertile soil that made the land so rich and agriculturally abundant.

The Khemitians" or ancient Egyptians lived long before the Pharaohs in what is called "pre-history". According to the indigenous tradition taught by Wisdom Keeper Abd'el Hakim Awyan, they represented a technologically and spiritually advanced society consisting of 42 tribes of people or "sesh". The term "sesh" held a definition that precluded an equality of all, despite any racial or personal differences.

Hakim also taught that the ancient Khemitians had achieved a higher awareness, and capacity to manifest and communicate, through their ability to access 360 senses (as opposed to the 5 senses that our scientists acknowledge today).

Their deep connection to, and knowledge of how to utilize the power of nature, enabled them to create on a scale unmatched today--even with our current "man made" technologies. Much of how they lived and what they knew could hold a great significance for us today as we enter into a new cycle of beingness and consciousness on our planet.

The name EGYPT was derived by the Greeks, who occupied the area around 500 BC; a stone tablet in Memphis gave tribute to the land Hit Ka Ptah (which became Hi-gi-ptos = Egypt) which meant place of the image of Ptah. Ptah was a prominent deity at Memphis in the Old Kingdom (2700-2100 BC). The language of the Ancient Khemitians was known as Souf. The Greeks regarded Egypt as the font of all knowledge, hence the word Philosophy, derived from Philo - Souf, meaning 'son of (Philo) the Egyptian Culture'.

The word pyramid is also Greek, meaning what is on the horizon. The Khemitian name for pyramid is Per-Neter meaning House of Nature or even House of the Gods. Many of the ancient pyramids, and certainly the three main ones at Giza, were never built as burial chambers (for example the sarcophagus in the King's Chamber of the Great Pyramid is larger than the entrance to the chamber) but as places of worship - to be at one with nature and the universe.

Built on a massive clockwise white light energy spiral, it was most likely used as an initiation chamber following seven to twelve years of study into the Left Eye of Isis Mystery School (feminine) and seven to twelve years with the Right Eye of Isis Mystery School (masculine). Initiates meditated out on the spiral for between two-and-a-half and four days, returning to their bodies with an expanded consciousness and understanding of unity. Traces of a white powder (known to the ancient alchemists as white gold) secreted by the pituitary gland through the forehead when the Theta state level of meditation is reached, have been found in some of these sarcophagi. A few initiates found the out of body experience so wonderful that they decided not to return to their bodies and 'died' in the process - but it was their choice. Some believe the Queen's Chamber was used to energetically stabilise the initiates after their return. Hakim believes that the Giza Pyramids were built around 13,000 years ago and the Sphinx over 54,000 years ago, using technology far in advance of today's. This included sonar cutting equipment and anti-gravitational devices; which enabled them to lift great weights effortlessly.

Life was viewed as a cycle, connected with the sun; which was born every morning in the East and set every night in the West. Nut - the Goddess of the Sky - was said to be give birth to the sun in the mornings and swallow it at night. During the hours of darkness the sun disc was said to travel the Dwat - or void - until it was reborn. The cycle of life was seen as being similar, with no fear attached to either the beginning or end. The Khemitians had no word for death in their language. A dying person was said to be Westing.

It was also believed that we all have the capacity for 360 senses, rather than the five senses that we acknowledge. These other senses are re-awakened by self-empowerment activities including positive intent, meditation, healing energies, attunements and by pilgrimages to key sacred sites. All of these activities raise our vibratory rate and therefore act as triggers for clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience, claircognisance and much more that cannot be readily identified by current levels of understanding.

These senses can also be empowered by the elements. We are said to be over 90% water.

Maya (also the name of a major ancient civilisation) and Ankh were both Khemitian words used for water. The Ankh was also the key to everlasting life. An old Khemitian expression said 'she has life, she has water, she is water'.

The Egyptian five-pointed star represented the five elements of Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether. Reyad means 'Elemental', like a little piece of Heaven - the source of the Cosmic Spirit - Chi, Prana or whatever we wish to call it.

The five-pointed star also represented the five stages of the sun during the day and the five stages of life: Dawn known as Kheper (the scarab), high noon known as Ra (the ram), the afternoon sun was Oon (the wise), full afternoon sun Aten (the wiser) and finally at dusk Amen (the hidden or veil). Reyad Sekh Em courses include sacred initiations into each of these stages.

The Khemitian population comprised 42 different tribes who together made up the Sesh. Some of the tribes may have been survivors from Atlantis and possibly Lemuria, who escaped the destruction of their lands using Merkaba technology. Khemit was a Matriarchal society with authority being passed down from mother to daughter - only the identity of the mother can be guaranteed.

We will be working with the five elements as well as the five stages of life as represented by the five pointed star to awaken the 360 senses within our being.

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