Monday, June 28, 2010

Guru Poornima 2010

Monday 26th July
Hari Om Blessed Self
Guru Poornima!
Revive the zeal,
refresh the mind.
dedicate a new resolve tangibly.
Test your sincerity,
love and purity.
Offer your restlessness to me.
Guru poornima is your rebirth day
- be ready.
Empty yourself so that you can be filled with music.
Bathe in nectar and await
the rising sun.
As darkness disappears,
shake your body and mind.
Let the old samskaras drop away.
Tune in to me on the spiritual plane and begin to live a beautiful life.
Swami Satyananda Saraswati
The disciple is passing through the stages of ignorance. He is a seeker, searching for light. Therefore he looks to his Guru, and the Guru in turn transforms the entire personality of his disciple. This transformation is gradual. It is not the surrender of one’s personality but rather the handing over of one’s limited self to one who changes it into infinite Self.
Swami Satyananda Saraswati (Sayings of a Paramahans)

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