“5th Ray 5th Day 5th Way,
All within and Upon,Within and Without,
Planetary Perfection expression Creation and Manifestation,
Solar Way Ether Day Yod He Va He Yahwee Yahwee,This day this Way,
All day today,This day ride into what you want to do be and have,
See and feel it as it is now,future now past not exist unless you want it to be.
Find your way under the Great Leader of Churches New,Build your own!
Make your Way Communicate Clearly in an integrated Fasion,
All levels as one interpenetrate all expression are but of One substance,
One being one,One System One Being One in the Many.One in all!
All is all know then that you need never again fall for you are the wall,
To the Kingdom that has come,to all that has been and all that Is to come,
All is one all Is that all is we all is he all is she all is free!
Receive the Communication from the Inner Realms of Perfection that guide,
Receive from the Outer Limits which exist to descent through you as you by you.
Receive the Higher Impressions Visions and Communications from those Races of have walked through these gates,and ascended greater upon the Infinite Ladder of Creation,
Walk in your Mind and Hearts with all that is for that comes out of everywhere and everything,
There is nothing that is not,and that which is not does not exist.Place your mind instead on what is,
What is to come,what you are to create,what is your destiny,your origin and your Future,
Give that you may be given to.Serve for no reason other than the joy supreme it gives you,
The Value It adds to the Other Self incarnated in all “other” Forms,The stream is unending.
Enter the Light of Lights,the Son of Suns and Know that there is but one supreme perfection,
Guiding Informing Directing Co Creating,Manifesting,Externalizing all that appears and disappears.
You are that,We are that and all is that for ever more.What more can be said?
Only what can be done is not for you to do.Only for the Will to be brought forth,
Only for the Creation,The Enaction and the Brining forth of the Inner Substance to the Outer Sphere,
The Bridging of Worlds Now begins as we walk collectively into a Bright Sunny Day newly Dawned.
Celebrate with your Brothers and Sisters in all forms,Laugh and Love in the Plan,the New Day.
Be Powerful Wise Intelligent Balance Harmonious,Commmunicate the Creators plans to all that is!”
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